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RocketRaid 620 controller issue


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Hey guys, I really require some assistance regarding compatibility with the RocketRaid 620 controller. I'm not utilizing the RAID component, only the ACHC interface for additional SATA ports. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to get the SATA drives (SSD in this case) to show in UnRAID but nothing; yet drives are visible in management interface and bootable. I have tried initializing the drives and modifying the config file mention (https://forums.unraid.net/topic/39003-marvell-disk-controller-chipsets-and-virtualization/) but no luck. Can anyone advise if this is even possible.


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  • 3 months later...

Just cannot get the drives to work :(

Completed the following troubleshooting:

  • Added script to config directory and code specified to Go file but no HDD detection
  • Unable to set RAID config with one drive and not detected
  • Added second HDD to Rocket and booted with no detection
  • Added JBOD to Rocket HDDs and booted with no detection
  • Checked steps that were followed and no error with script, gave up :(
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