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Docker Resource Groups - Grouping Docker Containers for easier management


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Just as the title suggests - I'm getting to a point where I'm using a lot of docker containers for various purposes - Ombi, Plex, Sab, Radarr & Sonarr as well as other nginx sites and (thank you linuxserver guys) a Visual Studio Code implementation too. But it's getting really crowded. I don't really need to see telegraf, HDDTemp or influx and without shifting the order around on the Docker tab, there's not really a way to organise things better.


I would like to see some ability to group docker containers, optionally show/hide specific groups from the dashboard (for more critical dockers only).

Being able to start/stop/restart the whole group at once would be an added bonus but not essential.


For some idea of how i would see this being done, is that you could have under Settings/DockerSettings a section to add/remove docker groups, and to add a container to a group would require editing the container, and not being able to remove a group until it was empty, again editing applicable docker containers to either change their group or ungroup them.


I don't know if I'm actually miss-using unRaid or if people don't tend to have 25/30 docker containers running without the need to organise them into groups?


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While I agree with your premise that groupings and group management can be helpful, I approach it a little differently. Since the addition of start order and delay modification, my docker containers naturally got grouped for startup purposes. I didn't think about the need to manage the groups, so that would be nice, but with startup order logically applied, the groups made themselves. In my container list, first to start are the basic services that don't depend on network, since my pfsense VM takes a short but indefinite period of time to start. Then the basic network stuff, infrastructure first, databases, proxy servers, etc. Then the downloaders, then the content scrapers. Each one with a decent delay (minute or so) providing for a smooth startup routine.


I currently have 18 containers set to auto start, and another 12 that I start on demand and shut down after use.


I would definitely like the ability to set groups and have more startup conditions available. Instead of just time passed I'd like to at least see conditional based on IP response. Squid's docker startup manager had the IP conditional, and I used that until the plugin got phased out because the stock GUI got ordering and delay ability.

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