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Networking, just a router and switch question.


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I am getting ready to set up my Network for my new Unraid and have a question.  I'm not to knowledgeable on network stuff, and this might be a dumb and obvious question, but here goes.


Can I connect a router (4 ports and wireless) and a switch (8 port) together and have it as one network?  Meaning that anything directly using the router (wired or wireless) can communicate with my Unraid and other equipment that is connected to the switch.


I never really had my equipment, that I used for my Media network, connected to the internet.  But now that I have more need for downloading things like for Xbmc, I need to get this setup.


Thanks ahead for any info.

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Just make sure you have the switch connected to the internal ports of the router, not the WAN/internet ports.

               Router			     Switch
        +-------------------+           +---------------+
        |                   |           |               |
        | W   0   1   2   3 |           | 0   1   2   3 |
        +---|---|---|---|---+           +---|---|---|---+
          |               |               |
   To   --+               +---------------+

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