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Help! One drive says "Unmountable: Unsupported Partition Layout", all shares are missing


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Hi folks.


I added a 4th data drive to my Unraid array yesterday, and I let it do it's clear thing. I have the default FS set to BTRFS, so I expect that's how it was formatted.  My other drives were XFS because that was the default when I first added them. So that could be part of the trouble.


Anyways, I added the drive, let it clear overnight, created a new share with only the new drive (no cache), and started sending data to it. I think I got around 400GB transferred over before I happened to look in the UI and notice that the FS column said "auto" and the Size/Used/Free column said "Unmountable: Unsupported Partition Layout". This was obviously at least partially incorrect as it was mounted. However, I wanted to add one more drive, so I went ahead and shut down to do that, then I had to upgraid my unraid license for the new drive, then I added the next drive to the array. It's clearing now.


But, the drive I added yesterday still says it's unmountable, only now it's actually not mounted.


And, to make matters worse, my shares page is now empty. There was only one other important share, and it was (probably) set to use all drives in the array, so that might be why it's hiding all of them from me; I'm not sure.


What I'd like help with is


1) How do I get my shares back?


2) How do I make yesterday's drive mountable? Preferably without loosing the 400gb, although I can get it back if I have to.


3) What happened and how do I prevent it from happening again?


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Does unraid automatically format a drive in the process of clearing it and adding it to the array?


My current best guess is that that didn't happen - the drive was never formatted - but for some reason it let me write data to the drive anyways. Then, after rebooting, the data is there, but the "headers" or whatever it needs to identify the format isn't there.


I'm going to try formatting it and just copy the data over again.


Update:  Yep, formatting & rebooting fixed my 4th drive.


The Shares tab in the Unraid UI is still empty. However, and I didn't think to check this before, but my shares do show up if I look at the network from another computer.


Aside from the Shares UI, everything seems to be working.

Edit: A couple of other things I noticed: the dashboard says "Share count: 9", but doesn't list any of them. And, if I go to create a new share, the "Read settings from" menu shows all of my shares.

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59 minutes ago, nfriedly said:

The Shares tab in the Unraid UI is still empty. However, and I didn't think to check this before, but my shares do show up if I look at the network from another computer.


Aside from the Shares UI, everything seems to be working.

Edit: A couple of other things I noticed: the dashboard says "Share count: 9", but doesn't list any of them. And, if I go to create a new share, the "Read settings from" menu shows all of my shares.

Sounds like a classic case of browser protections kicking in. Disable adblockers and popup blockers for the unraid IP.

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2 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Sounds like a classic case of browser protections kicking in. Disable adblockers and popup blockers for the unraid IP.

That was it! uBlock Origin said nothing was blocked, but disabling it and refreshing brought my shares back! Thank you!


I still want to know how I was able to write 400gb of data to an unmountable drive, but everything seems to be working now.

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