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6 hours ago, mihcox said:

But my version does not have the "update channel name" option that others have.

may describe what exactly you mean


this is what basically is included

Update Channel Name: If the channel name of the stream in the playlist changes, the channel name is updated automatically. This feature is only available if the stream in the playlist has a unique ID.


so i assume you mean something else ;)

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4 hours ago, alturismo said:

those scripts runs outside of xteve, there are several options out there ... has nothing todo with the docker itself.


the script helps to keep channels mapped which changes their id's, like event channels ... 

I understand that, i was more asking why the configuration guide shows functionality that isnt in the docker im using, is that a missed config setting or something? I assume without that, when the event name changes it wouldnt change otherwise?

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6 hours ago, mihcox said:

i was more asking why the configuration guide shows functionality that isnt in the docker im using, is that a missed config setting or something?

now i see what you mean ;) sorry, myfault, saw your question on the cell and quick answered ...


nope, doesnt belong to your intention, this was a checkbox in terms you renamed the channels in xteve and now in terms you wanted to use the xteve channel name (instead the original one) you had to use the checkbox.


as this is quite senseless (rename ++ checkbox) its out of there ...


the script/s you see about channel names (actually id's) are a different story.


we take the ID from the source to identify a stream, if its not there anymore (sample event channels, today game1, tomorrow game2, ...) providers from iptv like to change also the ID (not static) and then xteve drops this channel as in xteve pov terms, its a new channel (game2) and the old channel (game1) will be dropped ... as this is really hard to handle to differ what is really new or old ...


 so those scrips try to set unique id's for event channels (thats also why an event m3u's should be loaded seperately) so xteve (or other apps) are not dropping them ... and keep the epg mapping's ...


so in the end, 2 different features and doesnt belong to each other.


Channel Name > the exposed name "after" xteve (xteve feature)

Channel ID > unique ID to fetch the channel ... (script feature to keep ID's)


if you are intended to update channel names now after ID change, nope, not included in xteve, may some fork's from the official ones do something like this (i always use the official one from the git link you pointed at)

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  • 1 month later...

Good Morning, 


I've got an issue with using unraid's WireGuard feature with the xteve docker (sabnzbd works fine)


wg0 is setup like here




sabnzbd connected fine and I can access it via LAN on the



xteve I can't




Do I need to change anything? I do not want to use an additional VPN connection - the existing tunnel should be fine?

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On 10/20/2023 at 7:36 AM, lelei said:

Do I need to change anything? I do not want to use an additional VPN connection - the existing tunnel should be fine?

sorry, but i dont use the buildin WG feature so cant tell anything about it ...


may take a look here (as it seems xteve is running fine) to see which ipaddr it has while using the WG from Unraid


/ # netstat -tulpn | grep -i listen
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      12/php
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0 :::8888                 :::*                    LISTEN      367/guide2go
tcp        0      0 :::34400                :::*                    LISTEN      16/xteve
/ # ipaddr | grep -i 192.168
    inet brd scope global eth0
/ # 

 in this case, xteve is listening on here

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  • 1 month later...

I feel stupid, but reading so many posts I havnet found one that explain how to use ./owi2plex ?
Reading the github I should use this command to get the XML from my enigma SAT box.


./owi2plex -b PLEX -h -o /owi2plex/stue-epg.xml


I tried executing this in the docker terminal, but with no succes.




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7 hours ago, casperse said:

I tried executing this in the docker terminal, but with no succes.


no success means ? any output ? if so, which ... ? ;)


so, you tried it manually and not using the cron feature builded in, correct ?






it actually of course also works manually ... even i dont know why you would do this ;)


but the correct way would be anyhow ...


owi2plex.py -h -u root -p PASSWORD -b BOUQUET_NAME -o /owi2plex/HDTV_bouquet.xml



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9 hours ago, alturismo said:

no success means ? any output ? if so, which ... ? ;)


so, you tried it manually and not using the cron feature builded in, correct ?






it actually of course also works manually ... even i dont know why you would do this ;)


but the correct way would be anyhow ...


owi2plex.py -h -u root -p PASSWORD -b BOUQUET_NAME -o /owi2plex/HDTV_bouquet.xml



 Thanks so much! I used the wrong command and the bouquet name was wrong.

So now I got the command working! - Now to get it running automatically.

So I dont have a user and password - its a closed home LAN, can I just make the empty in the config file? (" ")
Also the name of the TV Bouquet was with a space so can I just do: "PLEX (TV)"


And then cron setting through the WEB UI and that should be it?
I can get the picon to be loaded to xTeVe this is so great!

Before I did manually matching and tuning channels this awsome!

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11 hours ago, casperse said:

So I dont have a user and password - its a closed home LAN, can I just make the empty in the config file? (" ")
Also the name of the TV Bouquet was with a space so can I just do: "PLEX (TV)"

hmm ... i guess wont work without "modification" ;)


1/ spaces ... as you may saw in the sample, i use a "list" in there, seperated by ... spaces ;)

2/ user/pass ... when i remember correctly, it was not possible without u / p


so, what you could try if the command is working fine in the cmd line


comment out the regular part from the script, add your personal line there with "hardcoded" bouquet & removed u p




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6 hours ago, alturismo said:

hmm ... i guess wont work without "modification" ;)


1/ spaces ... as you may saw in the sample, i use a "list" in there, seperated by ... spaces ;)

2/ user/pass ... when i remember correctly, it was not possible without u / p


so, what you could try if the command is working fine in the cmd line


comment out the regular part from the script, add your personal line there with "hardcoded" bouquet & removed u p





Great thanks I will try that right away.... 🙂

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1 hour ago, casperse said:

Not sure if its the configuration or if its some problem waking the SATBOX up from standby

no need to wakeup from regular standby (deep standby wont work)


and may take another look what i posted to comment out ...


and, you really did test if it works without password ?

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On 12/19/2023 at 10:43 AM, alturismo said:

no need to wakeup from regular standby (deep standby wont work)


and may take another look what i posted to comment out ...


and, you really did test if it works without password ?

So Sorry, I have reread your post 🙂

Yes executing this command in the docker terminal works! (Without username and password:
owi2plex.py -h -b "PLEX (TV)" -o /owi2plex/stue-epg.xml >> /dev/null

So I have now done what you said in the cron file:


I also set the cron in the UI and in the text file, hoping it will run now 🙂

And 1 hour later I have the cronjob file:

This should work now?

Again thanks! and sorry for not reading your post thoroughly enough

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2 minutes ago, casperse said:

I also set the cron in the UI and in the text file, hoping it will run now 🙂

UI doesnt matter, thats internal for xteve only ... nothing todo with the external additional features ;)


so yes, this cron.txt should run every day at 06.00 and yes, line/s looking ok now ;)


just also make sure at the top settings that owi2plex="yes" settled is ;)



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On 12/17/2023 at 12:50 AM, alturismo said:


ok, may post me the output from unraid terminal (while xteve_guide2go is YOUR dockername)


docker exec xteve_guide2go crontab -l





root@Truffle:~# docker exec xteve_guide2go crontab -l
0  0  *  *  *  /config/cronjob.sh


Edited by flyize
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8 minutes ago, flyize said:
0  0  *  *  *  /config/cronjob.sh


may just change the time ... its a time where alot try to download ...


here how it looks like correctly, my cron runs at 04.45 am, described in the .txt




restart docker (like described) and check again with upper command if cron changed

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  • 4 weeks later...

@alturismo Wondering if i can pick your brain about setting up xteve_vpn.  I dumped the .ovpn file in /appdata/xteve_vpn folder but not sure what else i need to do.  I cant get any streams to run so i'm sure i haven't configured it correctly?  Any requirements for the openvpn config (protical/port....)?


So i dumped my 13.ovpn file created from torguard in /conf and pointed towards it in the docker template.  Is that correct?

image.png.4fc6fdb5f5cf974dde1ce375862c1378.png image.thumb.png.83a125d90703c5784a3bb22d2cf62cad.png


and then as far as the logindata.conf, dumb question but what goes there?  login info for torguard?

Edited by danimal86
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