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Changed VM graphics to onboard VEGA on a Ryzen 3 causing webgui issues and crashing?


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Ok so hopefully there is an easy fix. 
about 30 mins ago while just changing some settings on server because I updated most of the hardware including cpu, I changed the default graphics option on my win10 VM (only VM I use) to use the onboard vega graphics because I figured why not. Right after the change and update the webgui stopped being responsive and shortly after that timed out then displaying a 502 Bad Gateway NGINX. I was googling that and got super confused with whatever I was looking at so I decided to just to force shut down from server chassis and reboot. Reboot went fine and was able to get back into the webgui, however the VM tab disappeared. It seemed to have disabled itself during this mess so I turned it back on without issue. The VM auto started up right away but also locks up the system. I can't do anything within the webgui. I am able to click along the tabs but nothing is displayed.

see attached files of what I see.


So I figure my easiest fix it to undo what I did, but as soon as the vm is enabled it boots and I can't edit any properties? Ideas anyone?
*EDIT* with that being said as you can see the VM shuts off right away too after being enabled in the tabs.

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Ok, with all that I was able to fix maybe this will help someone in the future I hope.
I was able to get back into settings by first being quick enough to disable to autostart option on the VM front page after enabling. It did crash due to it wanting to start up but after another reboot the auto start was off so I was able to go back in and change the video settings back to normal.


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