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File name length limit & Spin up question


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Is there a limit to the number of characters you can have in a file name on unRAID. I'm getting quite a few transfer errors, especially classical music / files not being moved.

I am using Terra copy to transfer files.

I am using unRAID Server Pro 4.5.6 on default settings with no shares  / user shares set up.

When i shorten the file name it transfers fine. Is 72 characters the maximum length permitted? I can live with it but it is a pain renaming music files  :D


Secondly the when  I select files to transfer the Parity drive spins up but not the HDD I have selected to transfer the files to. The transfer window hangs. I have to manually spin up the discs and then the transfer starts fine. Is there a setting / configuration I'm missing / not set up correctly?


Thank you

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