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New to unRAID and having some issues


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I recently purchased some hardware (used) to setup an unRAID server to start learning on before I moved Plex and other services over to it.

I've installed some dockers, messed around with nginx and a few others just to get familiar with how they work within unRAID. After playing around for a few days and feeling a bit more comfortable messing with things, I formatted everything and started from scratch, then threw the rest of my drives in the array so I could start migrating my Plex library  





unRAID Version6.7.2

CPU | 2x Xeon E5-2660 @ 2.2ghz

Motherboard | SuperMicro X9DRi-LN4+

RAM | 32GB DDR3-1333 ECC

Disk 1 (Array) | WD White Label 8TB

Disk 2 (Array) | WD White Label 8TB

Disk 3 (Array) | Seagate NAS 3TB

Disk 4 (Array) | Seagate NAS 3TB

Disk 5 (Cache) | SanDisk 500GB SSD

Flash Drive | Fit 16GB (had an Ultrafit 32GB before before switching to try to fix the issue)

Power Supply | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 G2


The issues

Over the last week, at least 3 mornings I woke up at 6:45 and found that the server was not accessible over the network. I go into the office and find a bunch of stuff on screen and it's completely non responsive via keyboard. It can run ALL day long, but somewhere between 1 AM - 4 AM is just shits itself.
Everything I purchased was used, so there is a possibility of a hardware issue, but I really don't know where to start. Logs won't seem to help as they're lost on reboot and I can't pull them via terminal when this happens because, like I said, the system is unresponsive. I'm new, so there may be another way to monitor this that I'm unaware of; please let me know..


My nginx docker breaks after every reboot. Clean or not. The only way to fix it is:
a. backup /appdata/nginx
b. uninstall nginx docker via CA
c. delete /appdata/nginx
d. install nginx docker via CA
e. restore /appdata/nginx


My custom image in the server description area doesn't persist through a reboot. It just shows a broken image icon until I reupload. Is there a place I should keep it on the machine itself, or shouldn't uploading it place it somewhere automatically?



1. Memtest for 24 hours, 0 errors
2. Pulled flash drive and performed a "Scan and Repair" on my Windows desktop
3. Formatted and reinstalled unRAID version 6.7.2 on the flash drive, formatted all drives for a fresh start.

4. Replaced Flash drive with a Fit 16Gb and completely reinstalled again.

5. Currently running mostly vanilla with only CA, Dyanmix SSD Trim, rclone, Nerdpack, Dynamix Temp Mon installed.  No dockers or VMs at the moment.  So far, so good for the last 10 hours, but the issue always happens early in the AM.

6. All hardware was purchased together, so I know the CPU and board work together and the BIOS is on 3.2, which I think is the last update before the Spectre fixes.



Screenshots of when the server is unresponsive.
Sceenshot 1_ 2019-08-30

Screenshot 2_2019-08-31



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You don't need 50G for your docker image. I usually recommend 20G and it is very unlikely you would ever use even that much unless you have a docker application misconfigured. And making it larger won't fix that problem, it will just make it take longer to fill. Your docker image shouldn't really grow.


Doesn't look like you are running any dockers yet so a good time to decrease it.

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