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[Support] AMJidovu - OnlyOffice Community Server

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Hey Gents, 


I am hoping you guys can shed some light on this issue I am having. I've have not been able to get this container to work. I am not sure if I am missing something here. This is a fresh new install of UnRaid and I just installed Nextcloud and have that working with SWAG. I wanted to integrate OnlyOffice as I had this working before on my old server. I have not touched anything on the Nextcloud side of things. I just installed your version of OnlyOffice Document Server and I have not modified anything. Its just a vanilla install of the docker, I wanted to make sure it works before moving on but I don't get any kind of webui. 


All I get is the following page I've also attached the log file. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. 




Here is the docker setup the only thing I changed was the container name to 'onlyoffice' just because that is what my subdomain is 'onlyoffice.mydomain.com'




I know on my old server I use to be able to pull up the webui and it would say OnlyOffice was running. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!




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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,


I use Nginx Proxy Manager and added OnlyOffice Docker instance + created a letsencrypt ssl certificate for it (with a onlyoffice.xxx.tld subdomain).

I can login to onlyoffice via my subdomain (secured by letsencrypt ssl) but If I try to open a document, I get the message that the document service is not available.


What I'm doing wrong?


UPDATE: I made a misstake with the IP address of my document server, everything is fine, sorry !

Thank you and Regards,


Edited by luk
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok then, would you mind helping me with the setup of the community server (I don't need mail server)? Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me out of the box. Here's what I've done so far:

- mariadb and onlyoffice document server installed and running without issues
- downloaded and installed community server docker with the settings attached


- on console of mariadb docker:
mysql -uroot -p

CREATE USER 'onlyoffice_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_from_me';

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS onlyoffice CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onlyoffice. * TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_from_me';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onlyoffice. * TO 'onlyoffice_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_from_me';




When I then start the Community Server docker, I get several Warnings and Errors in the logs, I list them here:

Warning: rsyslogd: activation of module imklog failed [v8.32.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2145 ]
Warning: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 96: No such process
Error: /app/onlyoffice/run-community-server.sh: line 182: & 255 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "& 255 ")
Warning: mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Error: ERROR 1045 (28000) at line 1: Access denied for user 'onlyoffice_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Warning: /etc/init.d/redis-server: 51: ulimit: error setting limit (Operation not permitted)

They do not appear one after another, but they appear in this order in the log. The "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure." error occurs several times.


After waiting for around 15 minutes, the webgui of community server still says, "please wait".


Can you help me with this?

Thank you very much in advance!


Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-10-22 20-10-27.png

Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-10-22 20-10-39.png

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I did that and after 10 minutes, it still says „please wait“.

 The log of the OO community server fills up with these messages (they occur every 2-3 seconds):

+ mysqladmin ping -h mariadb -P 3306 -u onlyoffice_user --password=pw_from_me --silent
mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

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Also you need to make changes to the db type and such.

For all the available configuration parameters look them here: https://helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/installation/docs-community-install-docker.aspx


Below is the complete list of parameters that can be set using environment variables.

ONLYOFFICE_HTTPS_HSTS_ENABLED: Advanced configuration option for turning off the HSTS configuration. Applicable only when SSL is in use. Defaults to true.

ONLYOFFICE_HTTPS_HSTS_MAXAGE: Advanced configuration option for setting the HSTS max-age in the onlyoffice NGINX vHost configuration. Applicable only when SSL is in use. Defaults to 31536000.

SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH: The path to the SSL certificate to use. Defaults to /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/tls.crt.

SSL_KEY_PATH: The path to the SSL certificate private key. Defaults to /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/tls.key.

SSL_DHPARAM_PATH: The path to the Diffie-Hellman parameter. Defaults to /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/dhparam.pem.

SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT: Enable verification of client certificates using the CA_CERTIFICATES_PATH file. Defaults to false.

DB_TYPE: The database type. Supported values are postgres, mariadb or mysql. Defaults to postgres.

DB_HOST: The IP address or the name of the host where the database server is running.

DB_PORT: The database server port number.

DB_NAME: The name of a database to be created on the image startup.

DB_USER: The new user name with superuser permissions for the database account.

DB_PWD: The password set for the database account.

AMQP_URI: The AMQP URI to connect to the message broker server.

AMQP_TYPE: The message broker type. Supported values are rabbitmq or activemq. Defaults to rabbitmq.

REDIS_SERVER_HOST: The IP address or the name of the host where the Redis server is running.

REDIS_SERVER_PORT: The Redis server port number.

NGINX_WORKER_PROCESSES: Defines the number of NGINX worker processes.

NGINX_WORKER_CONNECTIONS: Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by a NGINX worker process.

JWT_ENABLED: Specifies the enabling the JSON web token validation by ONLYOFFICE Docs. Defaults to false.

JWT_SECRET: Defines the secret key to validate the JSON web token in the request to ONLYOFFICE Docs. Defaults to secret.

JWT_HEADER: Defines the HTTP header that will be used to send the JSON web token. Defaults to Authorization.

JWT_IN_BODY: Specifies the enabling the token validation in the request body to the ONLYOFFICE Docs. Defaults to false.

USE_UNAUTHORIZED_STORAGE: Set to true if using self-signed certificates for your storage server, e.g. Nextcloud. Defaults to false.

GENERATE_FONTS: When true, regenerates fonts list and the fonts thumbnails etc. at each start. Defaults to true.

METRICS_ENABLED: Specifies the enabling StatsD for ONLYOFFICE Docs. Defaults to false.

METRICS_HOST: Defines StatsD listening host. Defaults to localhost.

METRICS_PORT: Defines StatsD listening port. Defaults to 8125.

METRICS_PREFIX: Defines StatsD metrics prefix for backend services. Defaults to ds..

LETS_ENCRYPT_DOMAIN: Defines the domain for Let's Encrypt certificate.

LETS_ENCRYPT_MAIL: Defines the domain administator mail address for Let's Encrypt certificate.

Replace the MYSQL with MARIADB

Edited by Jidovu Marius Adrian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone using the document server with the nextcloud app?? With the most recent update I keep getting


The "documentType" parameter for the config object is invalid


when trying to open any documents. Googling the issue doesnt really give any info from what I can see. Just curious if anyone has experienced this and perhaps fixed it??

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1 minute ago, tazire said:

Anyone using the document server with the nextcloud app?? With the most recent update I keep getting


The "documentType" parameter for the config object is invalid


when trying to open any documents. Googling the issue doesnt really give any info from what I can see. Just curious if anyone has experienced this and perhaps fixed it??

Yes, I have this issue too and we're not the only ones, as you can see here and here.

I also created a post in the OnlyOffice forum, which can be followed here.

The solution for me was to roll back an appdata backup from CA Appdata Backup/Restore App and now everything works again. 

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3 hours ago, Maginos said:

Yes, I have this issue too and we're not the only ones, as you can see here and here.

I also created a post in the OnlyOffice forum, which can be followed here.

The solution for me was to roll back an appdata backup from CA Appdata Backup/Restore App and now everything works again. 


Thanks for that. I imagine it is likely to get fixed quickly so. Its not super pressing for me so I can hang on for an update. Thanks again for the info.




I imagine you can probably delete app and then install the older version to get it fixed too. 

Edited by tazire
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On 11/3/2021 at 9:54 PM, tazire said:


Thanks for that. I imagine it is likely to get fixed quickly so. Its not super pressing for me so I can hang on for an update. Thanks again for the info.




I imagine you can probably delete app and then install the older version to get it fixed too. 


I found, that I was using the OO docker from chvb, which is version After changing to the docker from Siwat2545’s Repository, I can upgrade OO to version 7.2.0 within NC without any issues. I use unraid 6.9.2, NC 22.2.0 stable and OO document server docker 6.4. Maybe you want to check, which OO docker you use and upgrade as well if needed. 

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On 11/8/2021 at 8:29 PM, Maginos said:


I found, that I was using the OO docker from chvb, which is version After changing to the docker from Siwat2545’s Repository, I can upgrade OO to version 7.2.0 within NC without any issues. I use unraid 6.9.2, NC 22.2.0 stable and OO document server docker 6.4. Maybe you want to check, which OO docker you use and upgrade as well if needed. 

thanks for the info. I think thats a very new image. I checked and installed all the different images available at the time. good to know its back. 




As it turns out I just cant get that container to play nice with SWAG. can access it directly but not using reverse proxy :(

Edited by tazire
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  • 1 year later...

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