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How to delete a vdisk


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@iHoller open a console and navigate to the path of the specific VM. You should find the vdisk files in that specific folder. "domains" is the default share from Unraid where all the vdisks are stored separated in subfolders named the same like the VMs. If you have stored the vdisks somewhere else you have to adjust the path.

cd /mnt/user/domains/VMNAME

VMNAME is the name you gave the VM during setup. If you're not sure navigate to the domains folder and list the content with "ls". You should see a folder for each VM. Make sure you delete the correct folder/file. There is no way to recover from the following!


if you're inside the folder list the files again and with the following you delete the vdisk:

rm vdisk1.img

Make sure the naming is right (vdisk1.img or vdisk2.qcow2 for example)

If you're in the domains folder and want to delete a specific folder of a VM with all it's content type


"-r" is for recursive and "f" for a folder. The folder and all of it's content will be gone!

Again, make sure you delete the correct folder/file. There is no way to recover if you delete the wrong one and have no backup!



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