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VM Backup Plugin

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So what's the deal, is this plugin defunct or what?  My unraid just flat refuses to install it anymore.  I'm on 6.12.8.

If I go to the plugins page and click the "Plugin file install errors" tab, it shows vmbackup.plg as status:error, with no explanation.

My only option is [delete]. 

Anyone found a way to get it working?  I'd really like to have backups of my VMs....

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23 hours ago, Elmojo said:

I'd really like to have backups of my VMs....

I use urbackup, it allows you to get good versioned backups of the guest OS without shutting down the VM. There are many options to choose from if you treat your VM's as normal bare metal machines when dealing with backups.

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On 2/18/2024 at 10:20 AM, JonathanM said:

I use urbackup, it allows you to get good versioned backups of the guest OS without shutting down the VM. There are many options to choose from if you treat your VM's as normal bare metal machines when dealing with backups.

Checking out URBackup now. For a VM, am I better off just backing up the vdisk image or should I setup the Windows client with URBackup and do it that way?  I guess the downside of the vdisk file is the size but if size isn't an issue seems like an easier way to go?


If I go the Windows client route and I'm mainly concerned about the OS getting backed up with latest configuration, should I just do an image backup?

Edited by betaman
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35 minutes ago, betaman said:

For a VM, am I better off just backing up the vdisk image or should I setup the Windows client with URBackup and do it that way?

Backing up a running VM from the host is not a great idea. At best the backup will be in a crash consistent state, i.e. just like you hit the reset button, any changes still in RAM are lost.


So, ideally you need to stop the VM, snapshot the vdisk, save the xml and any other related files like video bios, etc, then restart the VM.


If you back up INSIDE the VM, with a backup client that can interact with the OS while staying up to flush RAM and commit other changes, you end up with a much more portable backup. If you've done serious customization to the xml you still may need to make a copy of that to reference when you spin up the recovery VM to restore the backup, but generally you should be able to restore it bare metal or generic VM and it should run.

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50 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Backing up a running VM from the host is not a great idea. At best the backup will be in a crash consistent state, i.e. just like you hit the reset button, any changes still in RAM are lost.


So, ideally you need to stop the VM, snapshot the vdisk, save the xml and any other related files like video bios, etc, then restart the VM.


If you back up INSIDE the VM, with a backup client that can interact with the OS while staying up to flush RAM and commit other changes, you end up with a much more portable backup. If you've done serious customization to the xml you still may need to make a copy of that to reference when you spin up the recovery VM to restore the backup, but generally you should be able to restore it bare metal or generic VM and it should run.

Thanks. I think I just want to setup image backups for my vm inside my Windows client. I'll ask for more details on the restoration process over there. Appreciate the help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

How do I stop this plugin from shutting down my VMs?  I have removed the plugin because it was causing some issues, but even with the plugin removed it seems like it is still trying to do things.  There are no new backups that have been created in the last few days since it have been removed and no new log files, but my VMs are still getting stopped at the 2 am start time I had setup.  Not sure what I am missing here.


Thanks for your time, 

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4 hours ago, Kilrah said:

Did you reboot after uninstalling it?

There should be no need to reboot after installing or uninstalling any plugins or dockers with unraid, unless they are VERY poorly coded.  That's kind of one of the big "selling points" of server-type architectures; that they don't require constant reboots to apply updates and software changes, even system-level stuff.  Looking at you, Mr. Windows... lol

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1 hour ago, Elmojo said:

There should be no need to reboot after installing or uninstalling any plugins or dockers with unraid, unless they are VERY poorly coded. 

Indeed, but it could precisely be the case since this plugin hasn't been maintained in ages and didn't follow unraid updates.

OP hasn't said what the issue was though. It still works fine for me.

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The issue is that I removed the plugin and even with the script removed it, or something else is shutting down my VMs at the time of night that I had set up in the plugin.  There have been no new logs created in the data store that I was storing the backs in since I removed the plugin but they are still shutting down at 2 am and not coming back up until I login and restart them.  I don't see anything in the Unraid logs that jump out at me.  


I have re-installed the plugin and set up the config to ignore my VMs and tried the Backup Now option on the plugin setup page and it did not shut my VMs down.  I will have to see what happens tonight.  


The reason that I removed the plugin to start with was that it would not bring my VMs back up once they were shutdown and the backup was run.  

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20 hours ago, Kilrah said:

this plugin hasn't been maintained in ages and didn't follow unraid updates

Good point.


18 hours ago, jwolfera said:

The reason that I removed the plugin to start with was that it would not bring my VMs back up once they were shutdown and the backup was run.  

Sorry I can't help.  I no longer use this plugin for a similar reason.  I'm now using binhex-urBackup.  If you get the issue resolved, you might want to look into it as a replacement, if you haven't already.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

For those (that like me) still find the plugin still works for them I have released a minor update today with two fixes:


v0.2.6 - 2024/04/21

Booger Nights

  • workaround for issue with empty path with unassigned devices (thanks to Juugis)
  • fix issue with plugin requiring internet at server boot (thanks to realizelol)
  • respect existing installed packages that might be used by other plugins (thanks to realizelol)

  • moved old cronjob removal to pre-install step (thanks to realizelol)

While I genuinely do not have the time to spend much time maintaining this right now, I am happy add others to the repository or review PRs for fixes/updates/etc

Edited by JTok
add missing changelog notes
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Alright, so I found one other issue to fix with the plugin, plus some errors in my last update notes (fixed above and in the code)


v0.2.7 - 2024/04/21a

Loud Sounds in the Night

  • fix v0.2.6 update notes
  • fix config directory not being created automatically

And to repeat my note from the post above:

While I genuinely do not have the time to spend much time maintaining this right now, I am happy add others to the repository or review PRs for fixes/updates/etc

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Another update thanks to realizelol!


v0.2.8 - 2024/04/23

Forks and Spoons Only

  • fix backup of VM names containing spaces (@realizelol)
  • indentation fixes (@realizelol)
  • update loops to break the row via semicolon (@realizelol)
  • fix disk_prefix in $vdisk_path variable (@realizelol)
  • fix counting vDisks by using Disks instead of "file sources" + Silence: STDERR output to /dev/null (@realizelol)
  • add ability for the script to handle OS suspended VMs (@realizelol)
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On 4/25/2024 at 6:36 AM, JTok said:

Another update thanks to realizelol!


v0.2.8 - 2024/04/23

Forks and Spoons Only

  • fix backup of VM names containing spaces (@realizelol)
  • indentation fixes (@realizelol)
  • update loops to break the row via semicolon (@realizelol)
  • fix disk_prefix in $vdisk_path variable (@realizelol)
  • fix counting vDisks by using Disks instead of "file sources" + Silence: STDERR output to /dev/null (@realizelol)
  • add ability for the script to handle OS suspended VMs (@realizelol)


With the new Version I have Problems with the VMs that have Disk Passthrough in addition to their vdist:

In the log Iget:

"warning: vdisk_path is empty. skipping vdisk."

and unraid gives me a red notification.


I get all the files backed up. It's only the error-massage.

All other VM without passthrough don't give backup errors.



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realizelol strikes again!


v0.2.9 - 2024/05/02


  • add a more detailed VM description to the empty vdisk_path notification (@realizelol)
  • add a flexible variable to the sleep-timer before ACPI VM shutdown so VM can recognize the "power-button-shutdown" (@realizelol)
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Sorry I don`t get it.

New error description is:  This is mainly caused by an empty cdrom file path.

So I gave them correct paths to an iso but still the same Error.

Whereas the VMs not giving an error do indeed have an empty cdrom file path.

Do I need to delete the whole paragraph in XML-view containing the cd-rom?:


<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/user/isos/proxmox-ve_8.0-2.iso' index='1'/>
      <target dev='hda' bus='sata'/>
      <alias name='sata0-0-0'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/6/2024 at 2:27 AM, UnraidGHD said:

Sorry I don`t get it.

New error description is:  This is mainly caused by an empty cdrom file path.

So I gave them correct paths to an iso but still the same Error.

Whereas the VMs not giving an error do indeed have an empty cdrom file path.

Do I need to delete the whole paragraph in XML-view containing the cd-rom?:


<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/user/isos/proxmox-ve_8.0-2.iso' index='1'/>
      <target dev='hda' bus='sata'/>
      <alias name='sata0-0-0'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>



I'm receiving the same error related to an empty cdrom file path.  Did you ever figure out a workaround/fix?

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I guess the problem is related to passed Disks.

The backupjob gets fullfilled so I irgnore the errors and wait for

next Version of unriad, taking better care of backups

   or new Version on backup vm.

Deleting the cd-rom paragraph in XML prevents my VM from starting. (I get the EFI-Shell)



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  • 1 month later...
On 10/22/2023 at 8:23 AM, cracklebones said:

If anyone is still running into the problem of getting warning messages that "user script file does not exist" when running this plugin with a schedule (especially if the backup still seems to work), it may be due to an old crontab entry. Try running `crontab -l | grep vmbackup` and see if you have any entries that use a directory as the argument to `run_backup` instead of just the config name. You may want to run `crontab -e` to remove all of your vmbackup cron entries and then recreate them through the plugin settings.

You sir...are a legend.


That stupid notification was driving me nuts...

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I have a new unraid 7.0.0-beta.2 test server.
VM Backup plugin installs ok but doesn't seem to save any settings when you click apply and then come back into VM backup plugin settings? Anyone else playing with UR7 yet and experience this?

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