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thing i like about Unraid is flexibility you can create virtual machines easily just using gui, but if you get down into more technical side and edit xml file.


One thing i like to see added in 2020. Multiple arrays with same awesome expandably feature. Like having one array being hard drives another array for ssd drives 


Edited by Zygizz
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Hard to pick just one thing I love about unraid, but if I had to pick...


- I love the docker integration and UI. Before I knew anything else about unraid, I knew I liked the way it handled dockers and I red-pilled after that. 

- One thing I’d really like to see added, is a more comprehensive and user friendly way to do a server to server backup instead of relying on third party services or my shitty terminal skills. (I think this ability would even make unraid more business friendly, as I run a server for my small business as well as my home) Haha!

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    one thing you like most about Unraid

    I love the rapid updates with littel quality of life changes.  For instance the ability to go to a docker's console rather than having to go into the Unraid terminal, lookup the docker id and then log in was a small thing that saved a ton of people some hassle.  It is one of the things that show that the people who make this product are also users of this product.  I Love Unraid!


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    one thing you'd like to see added to the OS in 2020

    I would love for there to be some embedded monitoring tools.  Being able to see what docker is utilizing the most of my monthly bandwidth would be very helpful.

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One thing I like - how easy it is to add drive space to the pool to give my server more room.  FreeNAS didn't make that easy.


One thing I'd like to see added in 2020 - The ability to create VM templates to make it easy to import/export VM states (i.e. I can setup a Windows Server VM, get stuff configured like I want, export/save it as a template, then, if I want to create another VM off the template, I create the VM, point it at the template, Unraid creates the VM, lets me tweak whatever in the settings, boot, and go - no need to reinstall the software, etc - big time saver)

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I love the ease of us, as well as the low barrier of entry to get a basic setup going, as well as having the flexibility to spin it up in any way you'd want. Another plus which had more impact than I initially expected was how impactful caching + disk spindown was regarding the power usage. That, coupled with folder caching makes disk spin infinitely less than in my previous setup. The WAF has increased tenfold since installing it.


For 2020 I'd like seeing multiple arrays while maintaining existing flexibility.

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My favorite thing is the ABSOLUTE flexibility. Between the mixed disks and the extensibility, Unraid has got to be the most flexible rolled up OS available! The one thing I'd like to see added in 2020 is perhaps the ability to use LXC/LXD  containers alongside everything else.


Thank you so much (devs & community) for all your hard work!

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one thing you like most about Unraid:


Absolutely, 100% the helpful, patient community. I simply wouldn't have been able to get where I am today without the help of the unRAID community. 


one thing you'd like to see added to the OS in 2020:


Backup. I'd like to see a built-in backup feature to back up your shares and files to another server or storage solution. Would like to have the ability to back up to both an on site and off site server.

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