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Replacing current motherboard cpu with a used one.

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  I was thinking of "upgrade" my system with  SUPERMICRO X9DRi-F Motherboard 2x E5-2620 CPU.  I just want to make sure that this will have enough cores for me.  It is would be slower then my current cpu but, it has more cores and there are two of them.  My thought is that 12 cores (24 threads)  as apposed to 4 core even if they are slower by 400 mhz that would improve my experience with dockers x (6) and VM x (2).  Any thoughts?      

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What do you intend on doing with it?  I have dual E5-2680 V2s in my system and I'm reading this sub-forum now to get ideas on how to save power cost.  The 2680 is honestly way too much for what I need.  I primarily serve plex content to family and friends, run a few dockers (sonarr radarr etc etc) and never really get much of a hit on CPU all while chewing up a lot of power (hence the reason I'm now looking at the newer ryzens to possibly lower my power bill a few bucks). My point is, it really depends on what you need. 

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that is what I wanted to hear.  I currently run about 6 dockers, and two VMs.  I'd like the option to run more VMs if needed.  I was also going to get into 4k so I'm most likely going to need to transcode for some of my devices (at least 3 devices) + 1 more devices that don't need transcodeing.   I currently have been doing this all with two machines so I figure one is better than two :).   I went ahead and bought it.  I'm not worried about power usage at this point.  It should give me enough breathing room to save for something way newer when I "need" it :).   

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