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Help with MV command, move files off one disk and put on another.


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Well did some upgrades to my unRAID, but damaged one of my drive's SATA port, it works, but it's broken, so I'd like to send it in for warranty to Seagate.

It's my Disk4. I have 1 share called Storage, and in /mnt/disk4/Storage there are 3 more folders with more folders inside.


I would like to move everything in /mnt/disk4/Storage/allthesubfolders into /mnt/disk5/Storage


I'm a linux n00b, so n00b I don't know how to use the mv command correctly to do this.


PLEASE tell me the exact command I should type in telnet. (I do know how to cd /mnt/disk4/Storage)


Thank You.

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you can use mc (midnight commander) to make it easier


telnet in

cd /mnt


<left pane get to /mnt/disk4 by drilling down>

<right pane get to /mnt/disk5 by drilling up/down as the case may be>

<on left pane, click/highlight the Storage directory>

F6  <which will do the mv command for you>



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Wow, did not know about the MC. That's awesome, thank you!


Anyone know why it's slow to transfer between my disks using MC? I'm getting about 2-3MBytes/s.

I can copy it to my PC at 20-30MBytes/s

(The disks are both 7200rpm Seagate 1.5TB drives)

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