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576 Errors after power loss...and more

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Power was lost long enough while I wasn't around for the UPS to drop as well and the unraid system went down. I brought it back up a couple hours ago and just went to check the control panel to find that it must have done a parity check upon reboot (~500k reads on parity plus drives 1-3, but no reads on drive 4 and 134mil writes and 576 errors).


Told the array to stop...and now it's stuck. Parity shows Free: - the rest show "Unmounting".


Not sure what I should do here. Any help would be appreciated.


Edit...and now the web server just stopped responding. AHHH

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Parity errors are common after a hard reboot. You should just have probably just let it complete the parity check. If you're going to stop the parity check, you should hit the Cancel button before hitting the stop array button. If the server remains unresponsive, you may have no other choice but to do another hard reboot.

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I did not cancel the parity check, the web interface showed it was at idle. Web server is back - had to restart to get any interaction from the system and disk4 is still flagged red.


Is there an easy way to reset the disk and run another parity check? (Is it unassign, start, stop, assign, start?)


Edit: Nevermind, found the wiki again, going through the steps.

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Look at the wiki for the Trust procedure. Study it and decide if it's what you want to do. It will basically allow you to put your array back together and run a parity check.


But before doing it you really nerd to know if that disk has failed. And you need to take a smart report and look for reallocated sectors and pending sectors. Although something related to the power failure likely induced the drive to be kicked you need to know for sure it is good before trying the trust procedure.


There are several ways to check out the disk. One way that I like is to prepare a new flash and use it to book your server. Assign that one disk to slot 5 (or any other disk slot but the parity slot!  Then you can start your one drive array, try to access your data on it, and run a smart report from the command line.


I wouldn't rush. Let other experienced members have a chance to respond and choose the advice that makes the most sense to you.


You have an excellent chance of recovering your data. Just be patient.

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I would not rebuild your disk over top of your wxisting disk. With 500+ parity errors and the drive getting kicked, your best chance of getting your data is to trust the disk and not the parity. If you want to rebuild do it to a different/spare disk!

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