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Hard drive read errors...


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Hello folks,


I have been moving things around on the unraid server over the last few days, rearranging my data on disks using gather on unbalance with the goal to remove my 2 2TB drives to my backup. everything was going great until this morning I got an email from the server indicating one of my drives has read errors. It is one of my parity drives. I ran the SMART extended self-test and it completed without errors. I don't understand everything in the SMART reports but from what I have gathered the following indicates the drive is still good?


5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   PO--CK   100   100   005    -    0

196 Reallocated_Event_Count -O--CK   100   100   000    -    0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  -O---K   100   100   000    -    0


I could be wrong.


I have posted my diagnostics (tools -> diagnostics), hoping someone could take a look and let me know if the drive is toast, or what else could be causing the problem.


For now I am going to shut the server down and try changing the cable...


Thanks in advance.




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7 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Disk looks fine, replace/swap cables just to rule them out and re-sync parity.

Thanks Johnnie for the response.


Last night I swapped the cable and no longer were there any read errors, but the drive was still disabled and I couldn’t see how to enable it. Well preforming a parity sync allow me to enable to drive? Or is this something else I have to do to enable it first?



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SO I followed those steps as listed in the WIKI and it worked, the drive is back on line with no errors. Actually I decided to kill two birds with one stone, since I had to run a parity sync, and decided to remove the 2 2TB drives at the same time and do a new config. About 12 hrs later it was done and so far so good. 

Next, I will be upgrading to a larger CACHE drive and then a second one for redundancy...fingers crossed...

Thanks again Johnnie for your help...

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