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Boot Loop after 6.8.2 upgrade

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Just upgraded to 6.8.2 and now the computer is in a boot loop.  It stops at "loading /bzroot" and then auto-reboots again.  I assume it must be crashing but I have no way to get to the OS to find out.  The same thing happens when I run any of the safe modes on the system.  I have an old backup (from yesterday) but I added a bunch of drives since that backup but no data has been added to the system.  Any assistance that can be provided to find out the cause of the issue or better yet to make either 6.8.1 to work again or 6.8.2 to work would be greatly appreciated.


If there is a way to use the backup to downgrade the usb key to 6.8.1 and not overwrite the configuration of the drives that would be great!  I have an additional key that can be used in place of the current one and I am still on a trial license to changing keys should not be a huge issue yet.  No, I have not changed keys yet.  The only change between working and not working was the 6.8.2 upgrade process.

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