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Too many wrong and/or missing disks!

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I recently upgraded my servers hardware. New motherboard, cpu and LSI card. Same backplane, HDDs & USB boot device

BIOS sees all my HDDs and no problems booting up but after boot my array is in shambles.


I have 20 HDDs + 2 parity (connected via the backplane to the LSI card)

2 SSDs for cache (connected directly to the MB)


All HDDs + the 2 parity HDDs show up missing under my Array and are instead all located under Unassigned Devices

The 2 cache SSDs are the only things right, showing up green light


None of the HDDs are missing and im able to match them up to their proper slots matching the serial numbers but they all say "wrong" even though they are matching. Thus not allowing me to start the Array because "Too many wrong and/or missing disks!"



Now im guessing this happened because the drive symbols are all different ie. (sdj --> sdn , sdb --> sdy) and so on.

I saw another post too-many-wrong-andor-missing-disks-solved   and it seems i might need to correct the Array Disk Config (Tools-->New Config)

Also if i do need to use the 'New Config' tool should i "Preserve current assignments" for my cache drives since they were the only devices that were unaffected?


Not 100% sure what to do and dont want to just start pressing buttons and risk losing any data, thanks


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