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My btrfs that was part of the array is not working!!!

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The drive was part of the array but when I added  a hdd with a similar model number it went to unassigned.   I have tried new config, resetting the computer and powering it down but when click to my btrfs 8tb hdd under sdi it won't add to array.


It shows up as unassigned disk, and under DISK with my data on there instead of disks.   How I make it back to the arrray?  It don't let me format only mount as unassigned disk.

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Basically its unassigned disk where I can access data  under DISK instead of DISKS and it won't join the array I think its a usb disk that I mounted before that was part of the array.


Plus there no option to format unless you do it by command line which I have no ideal how to do.  I'm new at this!

Edited by Bandit_King
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I'm using 2 proboxes enclosures one I got new and the old one lets me mount usb hdds as part of the array.  I'm guess the new one I got is not letting me mount SDi  as the 7th hdd. 


These are connected usb 3.0.


I guess I can copy the data to the other disks only 500gbs were written but where is option to format this disk?

Edited by Bandit_King
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3 minutes ago, trurl said:

Don't use USB in the array. The connections are likely unreliable anyway and will just cause more problems even if you could get beyond this one problem.

I'm outta of space, and the old mediasonic probox has no problem running 4 hdds as part of the array.  If I change the name or mount point will that work?


Only the hdd I got recently is not joining it's brothers as part of the array.


I running 20 hdds and 5 are usb.  only 1 is giving problems.


Can i format it and it will work?

Edited by Bandit_King
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On 2/28/2020 at 7:50 AM, trurl said:

If that different enclosure is still USB don't be surprised if you have more problems.

no problems at all.  running fine. I stuck the hdd into a cloning hdd station and connected it usb 3.0  same as an external closure except with a different name.

Edited by Bandit_King
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