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Disk read error(s) Disk 4 after parity check post unclean shutdown no syslog but have Smart report


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Hi everyone..  Well 1st error for me with Unraid that wasn't just a quick search (not counting some hw config fubar bits I'm working on)


Unclean shutdown happened yesterday due to a power glitch and UPS's battery apparently decided to crap the bed without warning ARGH

So nada system log

HDD smart log however for the apparently offending drive is in hand.. and its the newest drive.  I  just for it in late Dec.. ran a full preclear test before shucking it (1st hour+ was w/o external fan.  hence why log records a higher temp.


I started a parity check as usual after I noticed the server was offline.. (not the first time esp since 1st UPS I used for this system ended up being defective.. some days I swear I'm cursed lol )..  Irony is of the prior unclean shutdowns for any reason none ever caused an error until now.  Parity check always came back fine before this time.


It usually takes aprox 26 hours to complete a parity check (not bad given the hw involved and the backplane maxing out at 300 for SATA and I had no $ for SAS drives)

so I ignored it while it worked away.. other than checking a few times and HDD temps never got above high 20s despite the 12 drive array being a 2U size old HP server G4500 G2 - almost identical to a DL-180 G6..   and I STILL have not yet found a way to make the system SLEEP properly..  nor has anyone I know of got full fan speed controls if any "non HP" etc card is installed... which of course I have)


All HDDs are mostly Seagate 8tb (shingled type) shucked and a few WD red's (white labeled version of course shucked from easystore cases from worstbuy). 

Unraid sys is dual parity of course since Unraid sadly won't allow dual arrays on the same system yet.

(Both Parity drives are WD's and if I had access to them at the time I'd have all WD's instead.. but such is life)


Anyhow..   new drive obtained end of Dec..  tested fir preclear w/o problems and then finally got a chance to install it into the array mid Jan..  replacing an old 3TB drive.


Smart report zipped I am attaching


Error popups:

In red:

Unraid Disk 4 error: 28-02-2020 10:05

Alert [TOWER] - Disk 4 in error state (disk dsbl)
ST8000DM004-2CX188_ZCT1A3R3 (sdm)


In yellow:

Unraid array errors: 28-02-2020 10:05

Warning [TOWER] - array has errors
Array has 1 disk with read errors




A partial c&p from the report for Disk 4:



#Attribute NameFlagValueWorstThresholdTypeUpdatedFailedRaw Value

1Raw read error rate0x000f045045006Pre-failAlwaysNever4860888

3Spin up time0x0003091091000Pre-failAlwaysNever0

4Start stop count0x0032100100020Old ageAlwaysNever30

5Reallocated sector count0x0033100100010Pre-failAlwaysNever0

7Seek error rate0x000f073060045Pre-failAlwaysNever18791101

9Power on hours0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever730 (86 16 0)

10Spin retry count0x0013100100097Pre-failAlwaysNever0

12Power cycle count0x0032100100020Old ageAlwaysNever14

183Runtime bad block0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

184End-to-end error0x0032100100099Old ageAlwaysNever0

187Reported uncorrect0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

188Command timeout0x0032099099000Old ageAlwaysNever4295032833

189High fly writes0x003a100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

190Airflow temperature cel0x0022076053040Old ageAlwaysNever24 (min/max 22/28)

191G-sense error rate0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

192Power-off retract count0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever13

193Load cycle count0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever102

194Temperature celsius0x0022024047000Old ageAlwaysNever24 (0 20 0 0 0)

195Hardware ECC recovered0x001a067064000Old ageAlwaysNever4860888

197Current pending sector0x0012100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

198Offline uncorrectable0x0010100100000Old ageOfflineNever0

199UDMA CRC error count0x003e200200000Old ageAlwaysNever0

240Head flying hours0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever107 (37 188 0)

241Total lbas written0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever31474976696

242Total lbas read0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever32234088746





I have older syslogs as well.. esp from when I was trying to figure out why random crashes/shutdowns (bad UPS was the cause as mentioned above)

So I am attaching one from Dec.. in case it can help


Anyhow.. I figured before doing anything It would be far better to post in here.. see what others say and best course of action etc from here.

and once the initial issue is solved maybe someone else has similar HW and maybe a fix for the sleep not working etc etc



tower-smart-20190127-1713.zip tower-diagnostics-20191201-0010.zip

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35 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Diags posted are from last year with all disks enable.

Indeed they are..  and that also means it is before the HDD #4 which has the error in question now was upgraded from the old 3TB to the new 8TB drive in question..    I included them just in case they could be of help despite being a lil out of date


Good catching my error on that one!   /facepalm 



also note  i had planned on doing thr ugrade to latest unraid stable release this wkend (finally had sometime avail just in case etc )..  so its still v6.6.6 with slightly old ver of fix common problems (refuses to update til unraid update is done etc)

 as always murphys law is evil,, and the best laid plans etc  im sure many others here know what I mean all too well. 

Edited by Kinjiru
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4 hours ago, Kinjiru said:

Indeed they are..  and that also means it is before the HDD #4 which has the error in question now was upgraded from the old 3TB to the new 8TB drive in question..    I included them just in case they could be of help despite being a lil out of date


Good catching my error on that one!   /facepalm 

Post new diagnostics then. We can make better recommendations if we have all the latest information.


Attach them to your NEXT post so we can see that this thread has a new post worth checking on.

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Updated Diag file now attatched (not doing that last night shows why I chose to not attempt to do any real work on it when very tired)



As for the UPS I never try to push its limits since nothing attatched is mission critical to be online at all times.

I figure better it work just as little as needed and shut down than ever have the battery run out.

(only UPS here that stays on as long as possible is a small custom UPS just for the modem and main router and it's limited to aprox 2hrs of battery time)




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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

Disc looks fine, I would suggest replacing/swapping both cables just to rule them out and rebuild on top.

Thats what I thought as well  But since this is the 1st time I had seen this with unraid i figured its better safe than sorry an dbl check..  since no matter how much any of us knows no one knows everything :)


In my case its not cables.. its a backplane and it had worked fine with the prior 3TB drive.  and there was  thankfully very little added to that dive since I swapped it out..  (and I have the old drive as well)..  so worst case is I in theory could have to replace about 200GB of material that i can semi easily get even if it were somehow corrupted. (I have some ISOs etc with torrents on that drive I had added so I can check the integrity of a good chunk semi-easily)


So I reseated the drive and followed Squids one pst re this sort of thing etc..   and it is now currently rebuilding onto the 8TB again.


However this did bring forth a q I had thought of before and that is a dedicated indexing system for a crc/hash etc for each drives files

I am curious what others have done in this regard..  and while in theory i coul build par2 sets for some materials thats not practical for the sheer size of the main files i keep on the server (4K movies I created in custom MKVs etc from the optical media) and a ton of other stuff as Im sure many others have done the same.  So while its rebuilding the drive I figure might as well ask for anyones input / exp with apps for this sort of data integrity check.  (Reading descriptions is good but no substitute for opinioons of those with hannds on exp IMO)


That and if anyone here has worked with a HP DL-180 G6 / p4500 type server and knows a secret to getting this ting to sleep properly would be a very good thing!


Many thanks to all that have taken the time to read etc  >:)


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16 hours ago, Kinjiru said:

In my case its not cables.. its a backplane and it had worked fine with the prior 3TB drive. 

You can still use a different slot if it fails again.


For data integrity I use btrfs AND external checksums (created by Corz), then have full backups if needed to restore a corrupt file.

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18 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

You can still use a different slot if it fails again.


For data integrity I use btrfs AND external checksums (created by Corz), then have full backups if needed to restore a corrupt file.


No such luck on another slot.... my server is maxed out.. unless someone can find me the HP rear 2xHDD optional bracket and at a realistic price..  The few on ebay are sellers smokin very cheap crack to say the least since they want more for that one optional part than I paid for the entire server @_@ .. and given my absurdly limited income (long story now) thats just not happening..  never-mind the exchange rate from canuckistan to US *_*


(507263-001 HP DL180 G6 SAS 2LFF cage with Backplane 518030-001 530945-001  - this would be needed as well as the small reiser card for the one remaining LP slot available when using this part.. which would be sucked up by my HBA of course)


As for btrfs.. I've read some on it and many varying opinions including many with issues...  and though I have not specifically investigated afaik that can't be easily used with an on the fly conversion from XFS. (Unlike yrs ago with fat to ntfs etc for example)  One source on btrfs and unraid was saying it should be good enough to use when it either is the default for unraid or when unraid specifically asks which of the two you want to use..  and while I never work from just one source I don't personally know I would say if unraid picked it as default then that would be a kickass endorsement for it's use.


As for Corz etc...  you mean used something like Squid discusses here:


If so That's similar in many ways to some things I've done over the yrs..  and old school way doesn't deter me at all.. often I prefer it (I am OLD school..  literally)


Definitely time to investigate such and if necessary create a batch file of sorts for that and individual HDD index's as I did for yrs (very old school "dir *.* /s > _filename.txt" as a general listing of contents for again old school searching)


Oh and Rebuild finished after "Duration: 1 day, 5 hours, 46 minutes, 24 seconds. Average speed: 74.7 MB/sec" w/o errors..  I did a compete backup of the flash drive and updated unraid.. then plugins etc as I had planned to before this crap started.. and so far seems all is well on the server front once again.


Many thnx again.. such is appreciated and the support found in the forums for unraid alone is a huge standout IMO vs most.


PS: Updated diag file attatched (no errors found etc.. but hey just in case I figure why not)



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