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GUI location for User Utilities


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One thing about UNRAID has confused me for a couple of years now and what's the harm in just asking:

How come the User Utilities are located in Settings rather than Tools? I find myself clicking the wrong tab even after many years of using UNRAID. Is there any reason for this (in my case not one of the items in that category is a setting)? Is anyone else experiencing the same or am I the only one?


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I am indeed talking about plugins (sorry, I hadn't checked whether the category also contained core utilities).

I guess I just don't completely get why there is a User Utilities section at all, or is that originally reserved for plugin settings? I guess my misconception is that most plugins that register themselves to this category seem to be tools rather than settings...that might be just me though...

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Mostly tradition that they go into user utilities.   Generally though it IS the valid location as it's the SETTINGS for the plugin you're adjusting.


On the rare occasion a plugin puts itself into TOOLS then I always have a hard time trying to find it.


On the other hand you can also get to most plugins settings right from the Plugins page simply by clicking on its icon

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I started with unraid on V3. And still to this day I some times forget where some settings and options are. There could be a single GUI page that could show ALL user configurable settings...but come to think of it there are so many settings all over the place it would be probably difficult to put that together. 

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