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Unmountable Drives after Power Supply Issue

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  1. Guys I n need your help. I apologize if I make a mistake in this post, but I'm a newbie.


I had my tower up with one Parity, One Cache and 4 Disks in the array. I wanted to add another parity, another cache and 2 more disks in the array. While doing this I use a cable that a friend lend me, but this cable was not good with my power supply and I ended up burning the electronics of 4 drives (Ouch). I bought 2 more and return two to see if I can get them replace. In the mean time from the 4 drives, 2 where new, and had never been added to the array and the other two where the Parity disk and one if the disks in the array. I think disk #1. So after adding 2 new disks I added a new Parity disk and another disk to the array. Since I did not have a parity disk I had to do a new config, added the new disk to parity and the other to the array, but now all disks appear as Unmountable. I replace the electronic on the Array disk and have it outside of the tower waiting to copy the data (Assuming that is still there).


What do you recommend me to do to get all my disks active.


My Diagnostics are attached. I had Plex working before, and I hope I don't lose a lot of data, but I want my tower back up. 


Thanks for your help!!


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I want to add that my current disks 2,3,and 4 where part of my array before and could have data  in them that I would prefer not to loose. Disks 5 and 6 are brand new and I could format those without any issue. I don't have a Disk 1 because it was the one that I changed the electronics and right now it is outside. As soon as I can get the disks ready I will connect it as an unassigned drive and copy the data from it (I hope I can do that)

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The "invalid partition error" suggests those disks weren't array data disks, or something happened to them and the partition/mbr was changed and is not what Unraid expects, unassigned them all and check with the UD plugin if a filesystem is detected on any of them, UD won't care for the partition layout, as long as there is a partition.

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2 hours ago, Kakale said:

Well thanks for checking for me... will be formatting and starting everything all over!!

Before yo do that, you can try to list what partitions are on the drives.

Jump into the terminal and try "fdisk -l /dev/<drive letter shown in UFS sd*>
It should show something like this

Disk identifier: XXXXXXXX-4E86-4CE1-88BC-EDF049C61CEA

Device     Start         End     Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sdd1     64 15628053134 15628053071  7.3T Linux filesystem

If so you could try to mount the disks on a different system manualy and get at least to your data.



As you did a new config, all relations to your old array are lost, but unraid recognizes the disk as a different unraid array and will not import them until you wipe them with a new partion table and therefore a new uuid. You could try to trick it and manualy write a new UUID to that disk (it the partitions are all right and checked) and try again to add the data disks to the array.

Edited by Lindworm
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Lindworm, thanks a lot for the recommendation... when I saw this I had already started formatting my disks... it will be a process.. I had copied all of my movies and tv shows only, I will do it again. Monday I will get my final 2 Hard Drives and start the process. I also bought a 10GB nic card to make movie transfers faster. I will be up and running in no time. 

Thanks again for your help, I’m new to Unraid, but I’m liking it!!

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