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Share Media set to not use the cache, but files / folders exist on the cache drive

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version 6.8.2 - running the Fix Common problems plugin reports the above.  Things I've done already:


  • Ran mover (still persists)
  • Shut down docker service and ran mover (still persists)


I've looked at my Media share and it says that the Cache is being used.  However when I open the Index of /mnt/user/Media/Movies NAS and scroll down the entire list of directories, not one of them show they are on the cache.


So how do I fix this?  I can't even locate which directory is on the cache drive.

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19 hours ago, trurl said:


Main - Cache Devices, click on the folder icon at far right under View

Thanks for that.  I thought looking at the /Media share would say 'cache' somewhere but it did not.  Looking at it your way showed me that one folder under my /Media share is stuck on the cache drive.

So now that I've found the offending folder, what's the best way to get it off the cache drive if none of the other steps I took, worked?


The folder in question was originally downloaded onto the cache drive and then I used Krusader to move it over to the /Media share.  I've done it that way for a few other folders - they all worked fine that way, except for this one.


Should I move the file to a different directory temporarily and then delete the folder, recreate it directly on the array and then move the file back into that subdirectory?

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Not sure how to check for that?

If I look at Index of /mnt/user/Media/Movies NAS/Offending Folder Name it states that it's on Cache, Disk 1 further drilling down into that offending folder states that there is only one actual file that is on the Cache while the rest are on Disk 1

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6 hours ago, trurl said:

You can drill down into each individual array disk in the same way you did for cache.

I did that and I explained it I thought?  There is only one file listed under the /Movies/MovieFolderName that resides on Cache.  The rest of the metadata/nfo/etc.etc. reside on Disk 1


So... it's not a duplicate then?  If I moved the file in Krusader, why did it not actually move?  How do I get it off the cache now?

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Source: /mnt/cache/Downloads/completed/Movies


Destination: /mnt/user/Media/Movies NAS


I just moved the file that is on the cache to /mnt/user/Media/Movies and verified that it's no longer in /mnt/user/Media/Movies/FolderName.  I went back into the shares and such and the file and folder is still listed on Cache AND Disk1 still. 


I then tried to invoke the Mover command and nothing happened.  Looking at the log files I see this:


Mar 7 19:18:44 CozsNAS emhttpd: shcmd (19348): /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null &


Which, of course, I've no idea what that means.

7 minutes ago, trurl said:

What were the source and destination paths when you tried to move it in Krusader?


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2 hours ago, CoZ said:

Source: /mnt/cache/Downloads/completed/Movies


Destination: /mnt/user/Media/Movies NAS

/mnt/cache is part of /mnt/user. Ultimately, they are the same path, or can be.


In this case, since the rest of the paths are different, you don't get the "User Share Copy Bug".


But, the Linux command for move and the Linux command for rename are the same, mv. So, when you do it like that, it just renames the path on the same disk instead of actually moving it to another disk.


Instead of moving, copy from source to destination, then delete from source.


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13 hours ago, trurl said:

Instead of moving, copy from source to destination, then delete from source.



Ok that tells me how to stop this from occurring in the future.  How do I get it off the cache drive now though?

Finally fixed it.

Edited by CoZ
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