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my bad ... nothing to see here - unraid status via cli (eg query array status 6.8.2)

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I want to know what my array is up to

I'm guessing parity check and possibly the mover running?


my VM is running but I have absolutely no remote drive (SMB) or Web GUI access from Windows 10, 7 or Ubuntu 16 computers.


Is there an easy cli way to get the array status (eg parity check and percentage complete? a few other stats)


Can I balance the parity check versus being able to access my unRaid at all?


Thanks for your time,



AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor with 16 GB DDR3 memory CMY16GX3M2A18

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34 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

mdcmd status | egrep "mdResync"

It will display some values, including:
mdResync=total parity size
mdResyncPos=current position

the reponse is


mdResyncAction=check P


I had three instances of cadvsor running at 100% on three cores


killed all three instances and then a five minutes later I got the webGui back ... did a ctrl-F5 so it may have come back sooner but the cache hadn't caught up yet.


I apologize I should have checked htop first ... I assumed it was a parity check because that's where I usually have slow access

Got married last year ... haven't had much trouble with unRaid and forgot some of the usual stuff to check first


Thank your for your time,



I attached diagnostics,

I'll reboot in a few minutes and see if it cadvisor does the same







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  • perfessor101 changed the title to my bad ... nothing to see here - unraid status via cli (eg query array status 6.8.2)

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