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[SOLVED] Another (DMI Pool Data Error)

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OK, listen...


When I first started my build...I made a point, of using like the smallest boot drive that would work. It was "cool"...that the OS, could occupy so little space.


I have a 512M FireFly, lol. If it ain't broke...no need to fix it; but...ever since, the GUI has allowed updates right from the console...I haven't been able to. Not enough, free space.


I've tried swapping out, flash-drives...like 3 f*cking times! All to NO success.


I thought, I had explanations...for those failures. So...I scoured about, and found a 4G drive; so I could a) format "straight" FAT (just like my current drive), b) name the volume (exactly the same, as my current drive)...and c) just copy, the EXACT same contents.


So, someone tell me; why in the hell...does my box, boot to that drive...but not THIS one!!??


I mean, what can it be detecting that's different; to give me the vexing DMI Pool Data error!!!???

Edited by CDLehner
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So...I thought, one of the reasons; I might not be getting much help here...is I hadn't done, the hard, the necessary, the obvious.


But...I did pull, the battery on my board; try booting up to the newly created Flash...and I still have the dreaded DMI issue.


I'm not sure, where to turn...or how to proceed. 😵

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Here is my current understanding of your situation:

  • Old USB still works fine, you just can't update OS due to lack of disk space (If yes, then post zip from Tools ==> Diagnostics with your next response)
  • You've tried to create a new USB without success, it won't boot in any machine (If correct, then likely you're not preparing the USB as suggested)
  • Old USB will not boot in any machine other than your array (this stumps me, if it boots in the array it should boot anywhere, make sure boot from USB is selected in the BIOS of your Win10 Home test machine, also don't boot from USB3)

Anyone please feel free to help me with this process as I'm thinking that the USB may be the issue and so eliminating that seems to be the first step. I feel like there may be a more efficient way to do this but unfortunately nothing comes to mind....

  • I'd setup a brand new flash drive by reading all of these links ==> (see USB recommendations) and load the latest trial version of unRaid onto it as instructed on the getting started page
  • Put the newly created trial USB in a box that is not your server, enable USB boot in BIOS, and boot to GUI mode. (You'll need peripherals attached)
  • If it works then great, if not you may not be preparing the USB correctly. this step takes only a few minutes and should be relatively easy
  • Once you've booted with a working USB: (Here is where I'm not sure how best to proceed, better overly cautious then not I think)
    • For safety I'd remove the power from all of the hard drives in your NAS so as not to accidentally lose data. Although I suspect that the trial version should pick up your array exactly as it was, I'm just not certain and I wouldn't want you to do anything that might affect parity.
    • Boot your NAS with the trial version of unRaid in GUI mode with peripherals attached
    • If it boots then great, move on to the changing the Flash Device Wiki
    • If it doesn't boot (it should since you got it to boot in another machine) we've at least ruled out the USB
    • at this point (boot failure) I'd probably plug in a rescue USB
    • I have no idea if a rescue USB would write to disk and invalidate parity so I'd definitely unplug disk here if you didn't earlier.
    • Get as much hardware info as possible such as CPU / Board / Memory / Controllers / NICs etc save to text and come back to the forum.
  • Also, keep in mind that being calm when trouble shooting something as complex as your array is of the utmost importance. Getting frustrated will generally lead to mistakes...
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^^ Yes; my old USB, works just fine. But yes...I can't update OS, from the GUI; I think...because of lack of space (the drive is 512M 🤪).


I wanted to test...as suggested by JB...if I could get the new drive, to boot-up in another machine. But I figured...before I failed or succeeded, with the new drive; I needed a control group. The drive that does work (the 512).


But I can't get, my Win10 Home box...to boot to that; even though I've changed the BIOS, to boot to USB first.


I appreciate, the help; and will try to remain calm 😌

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2 hours ago, CDLehner said:

I wanted to test...as suggested by JB...if I could get the new drive, to boot-up in another machine. But I figured...before I failed or succeeded, with the new drive; I needed a control group.

It sounds to me like you're saying that you have not yet tried the initial recommendation of booting the new drive in another machine? 

On 3/16/2020 at 4:55 AM, johnnie.black said:

Try that flash drive on another computer to confirm it's booting, if yes it's likely a board problem.

Ultimately, you MUST create a new drive that boots in another machine in order to move forward. If you're convinced that you're preparing the replacement drive according to the links provided above then you need to try a third machine, because the replacement drive MUST boot. Once you have a new drive that boots follow the steps above for changing your flash device.

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2 hours ago, CDLehner said:

I still don't understand...why my HP Win10 Home, won't do it

  • According to your posts, your original USB is bootable in your array, therefore that same USB is in fact bootable from virtually any modern PC. While there could be extenuating circumstances the fact that you can't get a known to be working boot device to boot from your HP suggests, at least the possibility, of operator error.
    • I suspect one of two things, either you're not configuring the HP BIOS correctly or you're not taking action during the boot sequence
      • The BIOS on many computers have the USB boot option as USB or Removable Devices but some also might list it as a Hard Drive choice. So, if you’re having issues finding your device, you may have to look around a little bit.
      • Sometimes, USB drives might deliver a message to press a button before the PC will boot from your USB device. If this occurs and you don’t do anything in response, your PC will look to the next boot option in the sequence order of the BIOS. In most cases, the next option would be your hard drive. 

Most modern PCs will boot from USB assuming you have set it correctly in the BIOS. See this article from the HP store on booting from USB. Focus on getting that original USB booting in your HP first, there is no good reason it won't. Then we'll focus on your new USB. If you absolutely can't get anything to boot from USB on the HP you will need a third machine before anything further can be done.

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So...before I get to the "good" news; let me say a few things.


1) Dissones...I appreciate you're, hanging in there with me. I know how these things, often go: it's an idiotic problem...and no one is very interested, in helping...a possible idiot, with an idiotic problem.


2) While I don't take it personally...because I admit, it is an idiotic problem; I'm not a (total) idiot, lol.


I know how, to manipulate the boot order; and have booted to USBs...many, many times...and with various boxes, and various projects.


That being said...I don't know what it was; but tonight...when I went into the start menu. There it was; an F9 boot option...and the Firefly (old drive), was right there!


I can't believe, I would missed it before; must have been high on crack.


Anyway; I did get the old drive, to boot! New drive said "not a bootable disk".


I'll try the procedure, to create bootable disk again; and post.



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OK, well...not all's well, that ends well.


I KNOW I did the 'Creator' right. Made a back-up, from console; used Creator, to write a new drive from that zip.


My HP box, says "non-bootable disk".


2 things...


1) I know after creating the new Flash...you have to do the "replace key" step, from unR at console; but that shouldn't keep the drive, from booting-up in my HP first...right?


2) Along the way...I did see something, about HP's format method...





Seriously; gun now? Manual method??

Edited by CDLehner
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9 hours ago, CDLehner said:

Is this saying...I can no longer, create from a Windows box? I have to do the create...at the unRAID box itself??

I've never created a USB from anything other than windows...honestly I was never able to get the "creator tool" to work and have had to do the manual method every time. I've never used any information other than what was provided in the links from my first post.

9 hours ago, CDLehner said:

Seriously; gun now? Manual method??

Lol, yeah...manual :)

8 hours ago, CDLehner said:

DONE! What a special slice of heaven 😵


8 hours ago, CDLehner said:

It's late. I'll put a bow on this b*tch tomorrow.

Great news, just to manage your expectations a little.... unRaid is not the easiest thing to troubleshoot because it runs on so many different hardware configurations (which is also its beauty). Start hanging around the forum and reading about other peoples' troubles, within a few months your ability to troubleshoot will grow exponentially. I'm glad that it all worked out for you.

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3 hours ago, Dissones4U said:

I've never created a USB from anything other than windows...honestly I was never able to get the "creator tool" to work and have had to do the manual method every time.

Ha. I'm not being "critical"; because again...you were the only one, to hang in there with me. But...that information; could have helped me, a lot sooner...lol.


Pretty "weird". That blurb clearly says "no longer for Windows"! And don't use that...use this🙄


So...first I tried formatting, with the HP sp27213 tool that was mentioned. That kept saying the drive was write-protected; even though it wasn't. Then I did a "regular" format; copied over my files. Ran the make-bootable batch. I was able to get my HP to boot, to new drive.


Then I took it to my unR box. Kept getting this "error 5", when I tried to re-register. Had to Google this...



Obviously...this is great advice Dissones


"just to manage your expectations a little.... unRaid is not the easiest thing to troubleshoot because it runs on so many different hardware configurations (which is also its beauty). Start hanging around the forum and reading about other peoples' troubles, within a few months your ability to troubleshoot will grow exponentially."


But, admittedly; I'm a casual user (duh, right). I don't have that kinda time; and yes...it does mean, that when I run into a problem I can't solve. Rather than be up on my trouble-shooting; I come running to the forum, and cry and whine...lol.


And, it's at times like those; that I sometimes wonder...if I shouldn't have just dropped the big-bucks, and gotten a damn Synology. But, in the end; I love unR...and the community.


Marked [SOLVED] (honestly; not all at once, or anything. But I've been trying to successfully update that Flash...for like 3 f*cking years!). Thanks again. Now...I'm going to see; if with my new-found space...I can update to 6.8.3, right from the console.


So...you know; stay tuned, for the next thread 🤪


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