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Setting up VMs on separate physical networks?

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Hi all,


I'm fairly new to unRaid and have been loving it so far.


I've been experimenting with VMs and I have the following situation I was hoping someone could assist with a solution/process?


I have my unRaid server on a internal network (Network 1) connected to the internet via ISP 1.

I have another physical Windows machine (machine 2) on a separate network (Network 2) connected to the internet via ISP 2.


I was wondering whether it was possibly to setup a VM on the unRaid server to replace machine 2.

Would this require another PCI-E NIC installed on the unRaid server?

Do I then pass the VM to that specific NIC via settings?


I've managed to get Plex running, along with SABnzb and Sonarr but that's about the limit to my unRaid knowledge after tinkering for 2 months. Any assistance would be appreciated!



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