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Sonarr DB issue


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Hi folks,


I had a really rough day, spending my whole day fixing my unraid array, and now everything is somewhat back to normal except few things about Sonarr... First of all, I do not understand why I cannot see the Logs in Table sonarr, it keeps saying "Oh snap! Failed to load logs, your ad blocker might be blocking the api calls.", I have disabled all adblock, I even tried other browser same issues... but at least the logs are still written in files (attached file show this below:


20-3-14 00:29:03.5|Error|NzbDroneErrorPipeline|[GET /api/log]

So there is an error in the GET. I have tried many different thing, such as re-installing Sonarr as whole because there is another error about database disk image is malformed... I have even change the /config path to disk1 (I do not have cache drive). Nothing changed, I have restored backup from 3 previous one and nothing changed, (it was working really fine yesterday). This error is always coming back, I am getting really frustrated and tired, it does not seems to prevent my sonarr to function but there is no logs, no activity shown at all... it still fetch information for my sabnzbd but the Table error logs show nothing in Sonarr... I am starting to slowly lose my mind over it, the issues I had before was the cable for my disk1 was defective, I recreate the docker.img file based on the guide posted here and restored apps and so far everything seems to work fine (radarr, sabnzbd and plex), the only issues is about Sonarr...


Can someone help me, I feel like I have overlooked something, I have tried restoring, changing the mapping, restarting the docker and yet it still not working.


As a standard way that things go there, I have also attached my unraid diagnostics.


Thank you all for your help

sonarr-2020-3-14.txt tower-diagnostics-20200314-0042.zip

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