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Nubie Read Errors only at startup

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I am new to unRaid. I just setup a system and started it up this past week. I noticed every time I re-boot the system and start the array every disk takes read errors. The drives are "brand new" Dell/Toshiba 6tb drives I bought on Ebay. The MFR date is 2018 attached is the diag zip file. Any help/sugestions would be great. I just don't want to start putting data on it if there is a major issue.


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3 hours ago, Stephen67 said:

I just don't want to start putting data on it if there is a major issue.

I'm by no means an expert but I suspect the SAS controller is either bad or loose because you have so many disks with read errors in the log. Before you do anything, I'd suggest that you setup your syslog server so that it persists after reboot, a link to instructions is in my signature. Then I'd re-seat the card and the cables and finish the server setup. Assign a parity disk, setup shares, and write some data. I think that 200-300 GB should suffice, then run a non-correcting parity check. If that shows errors stop and come back with info requested below. If parity is good then run extended smart on several (if not all) disks and come back with the info requested below.


Once finished:

  • Come back with new diagnostics (before rebooting)
  • Attach the syslog from the server folder that you just setup
  • Provide a screen shot of the main tab of the unraid UI showing any errors

Honestly, I'm not sure whether I can help you or not but, I suspect that these steps will provide better diagnostics of the situation. This forum has a great group of guys so I'm certain that you'll get squared away, just be patient.

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The adapter was supposed to be programmed with the latest firmware. But who knows when that was. Probably makes sense to try the firmware first. Like I said it's only at start. Every disk takes 3-5 read errors. If I clear them and run there are no more. I'll also re-seat the card.

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On 3/15/2020 at 4:31 AM, johnnie.black said:

You can also try updating the LSI firmware, you're using a release I've never seen before (16.00.08), latest stable was 16.00.01, I see now there's 16.00.10.

Is there a better source for the flashing of the adapter? I found a few but decides to follow this link. The rom loads but it fails the firmware (.bin file) regardless if it is 16.00.10 or 16.00.01. I'm wondering if it's because it's a Dell vs. LSI. The adapter is not bricked,  I can boot off a thumb drive and run the sas3flsh.exe it just won't take the bin file, it an error 25 every time.


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