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Help with Potential Catastrophe

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Hey Guys,


I've lurked for a while and have searched around for a possible solution but haven't found one. 


A few weeks ago, I logged in one day and noticed that during a parity check, four of my drives racked up a ton of errors--in the millions. What was odd to me that stuck out pretty much right away, the numbers were all about the same, and all 4 drives were connected via the same SAS cable. I replaced the SAS cables, errors were still present. I replaced the HBA card, now I have a swath of issues that are apparent, including a parity drive that is apparently all borked now. 


I'm hesitant to run a rebuild on ~20TB of data in its current state, and I have it all backed up (fortunately), so I'm not worried about total loss other than my most recent full backup is stored in Google Drive and my internet connection is capped...


Here are the diagnostics - beginning to think my motherboard may be bad. Or my CPU. Let me know what you think...


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All good - memtest off my UBCD (now on USB, but same thing) came back fine. Is there an equivalent tool within unRAID I'm not familiar with? 


Was running 6.8.0 when I generated the diagnostics. I updated to 6.8.3 and rebooted a few ago, the errors on the main screen disappeared, but now all of the drives are showing thumbs down for SMART status... Running parity check right now. 

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