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SMART drive report

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1Raw read error rate0x000f100054006Pre-failAlwaysNever0

3Spin up time0x0003095094000Pre-failAlwaysNever0

4Start stop count0x0032091091020Old ageAlwaysNever9409

5Reallocated sector count0x0033100100010Pre-failAlwaysNever24

7Seek error rate0x000f081060045Pre-failAlwaysNever4411489660

9Power on hours0x0032064064000Old ageAlwaysNever31750 (161 233 0)

10Spin retry count0x0013100100097Pre-failAlwaysNever0

12Power cycle count0x0032100100020Old ageAlwaysNever82

183Runtime bad block0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

184End-to-end error0x0032100100099Old ageAlwaysNever0

187Reported uncorrect0x0032001001000Old ageAlwaysNever178

188Command timeout0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0 0 0

189High fly writes0x003a100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

190Airflow temperature cel0x0022074045040Old ageAlwaysNever26 (min/max 24/28)

191G-sense error rate0x0032100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

192Power-off retract count0x0032096096000Old ageAlwaysNever8287

193Load cycle count0x0032036036000Old ageAlwaysNever129680

194Temperature celsius0x0022026055000Old ageAlwaysNever26 (0 17 0 0 0)

197Current pending sector0x0012100100000Old ageAlwaysNever0

198Offline uncorrectable0x0010100100000Old ageOfflineNever0

199UDMA CRC error count0x003e200200000Old ageAlwaysNever0

240Head flying hours0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever9221h+45m+37.621s

241Total lbas written0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever39912236122

242Total lbas read0x0000100253000Old ageOfflineNever72606919872


Underlined are the values that are being flagged. Should I monitor this drive or is it toast?


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