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Unmountable: Unsupported Layout

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Sorry for my ignorance on this one, I am new to unraid. I am running Unraid Version 6.8.3


I have a 4x HDD unraid system, all but one of the HDDs mounted properly. The one shows Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout and will not format when prompted. I have tried utilizing Preclear and Unassigned Devices as other threads have recommended but I have not had any luck. I have also put the HDD in another PC to validate that it works. 


Thanks for the help!

Array Devices.JPG


Edited by A110RA
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MBR signature writing is failing, both with preclear:


Mar 19 16:31:19 Borg preclear_disk_WD-WCC6Y3VJC8PE[15381]: Failed test 1: MBR signature is not valid, byte 0 [10741] != [00000]


and likely the same with Unraid, as that's one the reasons it will complain about an invalid partition, it's a strange one but can't see how it can be anything other than the disk, do you have another one you could try on the same port?

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