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SOLVED Network Settings / 10G Phantom NIC / Problems

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I have two identical Mellanox 10G cards in my servers (Xeon & Tower).........


The problem is that one server (Tower) seems to have created a "phantom 10G NIC" using the same MAC address twice.........


This has worked previously. I dont know at what point this has happened. The card appears to be installed ok but I can't connect to it either across SMB or a ping....




This is compared to my happily working Xeon server............




Any ideas as to what's happening here please?

Edited by pm1961
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Similar thing was also happening to me on one of my servers also with a dual port Mellanox, every few boots a new eth interface would be detected for port2, i.e., NIC that was eth4 became eth5, then eth6 and so forth, each time this happened I needed to reconfigure the last NIC detected as the previous one stopped working, my "solution" was to swap that NIC to a server with a different motherboard and it never happened again, firmware update might also help.

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Thanks Johnnie,


I got it back to "normal" by stubbing it through to a VM, rebooting it, and then removing it . It reverted back to just the two entries on reboot............






I can't address it for the life of me though........... it appears absolutely normal.......




but refuses to be addressed by a ping from the other server or networking a drive from my windows pc.


The ping times out....... The windows "map network drive" looks forever and eventually times out.....




Any obvious errors here?


Any other debugging tips welcome!

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Sorted now thanks! I tried all sorts.... including re-seating card and cables and your suggestion above with a few re-boots. In my very non-scientific way of not taking it one logical step at a time, I can't say what sorted it! But I will change it to SOLVED..... Thank you.......

Edited by pm1961
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  • pm1961 changed the title to SOLVED Network Settings / 10G Phantom NIC / Problems

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