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USB Headset Causing Other Devices to Freeze

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Evening all,


I have a “quirky”, but somewhat annoying issue.  The basics; I have 3 Windows virtual machines running on my setup, 2 of these have been configured with GPU pass-thru and also have a dedicated PCIe USB card to allow for a peripherals to be connected as and when required.


Each of the 2 VM’s has a separate USB keyboard and mouse, all works great, until a USB headset is plugged in.  The act of plugging in a headset does not cause an issue, until audio is played, at which point the keyboard and mouse start to act up.


Audio plays without issue, but while this is happening, the keyboard will cease to function, and the mouse appears to respond every 5 seconds or so.


I have tried multiple headsets, reconfigured the VM’s in order to use the onboard USB headers etc, however the end result is the same: plug in a headset, play audio and expect to lose keyboard / mouse ability.  Unplugging the headset restores full functionality of keyboard and mouse.


I have attached the diagnostic logs.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by faicec
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