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Issue with Mover process breaking a running GitLab container

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I am running an official gitlab-ee container from https://hub.docker.com/r/gitlab/gitlab-ee

with -v /mnt/user/containerspace/gitlab-data:/var/opt/gitlab


the gitlab container on startup will create multiple application folder within /var/opt/gitlab, for each of its component example redis, and postgresql

in each of these folders, while the gitlab container is running, there are some sock files created, example /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket.


Everytime when my scheduled mover is trigger, the running container will break and go into a 502 situtation.


To recover from it, the workaround is for me to stop the gitlab container. forced a mover activity, after ensuring /mnt/user/containerspace/gitlab-data is fully on the array, start the container, and the container will resume it's normal operation, until the next scheduled mover task breaks it again.


Is it possible for me to exclude certain files from being moved? example redis.socket or postgres5432.lock


or is it possible for me to run this particular container right off the array disk?

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