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Single Disk cannot be accessed but is still "green"

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Hi there,


Been using unraid (pro) since 2014  - with some WD greens (!!) from that time still running.

Now ironically my newest (1 year old) WD red seems to die on me and I'm not entirely sure how to proceed on this problem.


What happened so far:

- Scheduled parity check froze at 16% with > 2 million sync errors corrected

- Looking at the UI, all drives were spun up and marked as green, but disk4 did not report a temperature value

- Disk-share for disk4 could not be accessed

- Connecting via SSH showed /mnt/disk4 being empty

- Cancelled the parity check after 10 hours without progress and rebooted the server (both via UI)

- Disk4 seemed to be back online with data being accessible both through disk-share and SSH

- Ran a SMART test on Disk4 -> no errors

- Started a second parity which froze at 21% with the same disk4 being unresponsive

- I started manually backing up files from the disk-share, but the disk randomnly freezes and requires a reboot


Any hints on what to do next?

I'm assuming my parity is invalid now, due to the 2 failed checks, correct?



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Diags are after reboot so we can't see what happened, I assume the disk never got disabled.


Disk4 looks fine but there are recent UNC @ LBA errors, so best to run an extended SMART test, if OK run a non correcting parity check and grab diags if it fails again, it could be the HBA since you're using a SAS2LP and those have known issues for a long time.

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Extended SMART Scan is still running, but checking the threads regarding the sas2lp card I think it might be a good idea to replace that one.

I'm fairly certain that this card was recommended Hardware when i installed it 4-5 years ago - never had problems so I didn't verify compatibility when upgrading unraid.


Got two Adaptec cards (6805 & 5805) lying around in my server graveyard - gonna check if those are supported

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I ordered a LSI 6Gbps SAS HBA LSI 9201-8i as replacement, as the spare adaptec cards i got lying around seemed to cause trouble based on other threads.

Just in case the disk is the problem i'm currently using the unbalance plugin to move the remaining data away from that one.

Once the disk is empty I might try building parity with a replacement disk on the same controller port while waiting for the new LSI card.


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