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High cache usage

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At the start of january i installed two 500gb ssd's to act as cache in my system. Since the installation there has been almost 50tbw to each disk. At this rate the ssd's will surpass the 200tbw warranty in less than an year. On the cache i have currently running one linux vm for home assistant, two windows 10 vms (which sit idle for about 90% of the time) and a duplicati docker container. The amount of data written to the cache drive seems to be disproportionate to the amount of usage by the different vms and containers. When i disable every vm but one windows vm the amount of data writen to the cache drive is still about 6mb/s while windows only reports an average diskusage of 50kb/s. 

I have attached a screenshot from the iotop -ao command and the tower diagnostics. I would like to know whether this amount of cache usage for the amount of vms i have and if there is a way to reduce this usage?




Schermopname (293).png


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most people in this thread are seeing high disk writes coming from docker. In my case the hige writes seem to be coming from the vms. to test this theory, after seeing your post, i have completly disabled the docker service from the settings page. This results in the same amount disk usage as when it wasn't disabled. i am running the qcow format for all three vms, could this increase the cache usage? whit al three vms enabled i am seeing about 10mb/s of disk writes to the cache while the linux vm is reporting to not be writing any data and both vms are reporting 100kb/s and 50kb/s of disk writes. 

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