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CPU Usage Issue

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but over the last 2 weeks I've noticed my cpu usage hits 100% a lot and sits there.  It really bogs down my system.  Even just copying files from one location to another has slowed down to a few mb from it's usualy 60mb/s or so.


The only thing done in the last few weeks was to upgrade a few dockers.  I am only using Emby Server, Sonar, Jacket and Binhex DelugeVPN.  The only one that hasn't been updated in a month at least is Deluge.  It definitely seems to have started in the last 2 weeks since the last updates.


While I'm at it, I'm still running version 6.5.3 of unraid.  I'd like to try to update to the latest version but before doing so back up my current config so I can roll back to it should I have issues.  Would someone point me to how to do this?  Can I just make a backup of my usb with my current config.  I haven't really been on this site much since I upgraded to 6.5.3 so I know I probably have a bit of a learning curve with updating/backing up my usb.  What's the process for backing up a usb?

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Backing up flash is simple. Just go to Main -> Flash and then there's the button that download the zip file. Restoring is a matter of overwriting everything on the stick with what's inside the zip and everything will be back to what it was.


Before upgrading, read up on various new release notes. Quite a number of things have changed since 6.5.3.

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Thanks.  Quick question.  I'm a little unclear on the best method.  So I currently have a spare USB.  I did a back up of my USB cache drive and then used the usb creator to put it on a new usb device.  I would assume my license is still on the orig usb.  If I boot up with the new usb, am I able to still upgrade to the 6.8.3 to test with or do I need to put the license on the new usb first.  If I do put it on the new usb and I have issues, is it as simple as just popping in my old usb and I'm good or is the license on the old usb no lonber valid?


I'm trying to figure out the best way to test an upgrade without killing my current config.

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The license is tied to your USB stick so it is unlikely that you will be able to use a separate stick to test.


What you can do is to clone your main stick to the secondary stick to serve as a back up. Then if your testing on the main stick is not what you expect, you can then just copy the secondary stick over, overwriting everything on the old stick.


I can't remember which version it was implemented but nowadays, when updating to a new version, the last version is automatically backed up (to the same stick) so I can revert at a few clicks of a button from within the Unraid GUI. Worth reading up the release notes for that.

(I vaguely remember 6.5.3 has it already but then it was so long ago)

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