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[SOLVED] Upgrading from 6.5.3 to 6.8.3 causes very unstable system

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I have been stuck on version 6.5.3 for ages since the motherboard I used had a Marvel controller that is unsupported in later versions (I think there should be a few threads about it on this forum).

So I recently upgrade my system with completely new hardware (except the discs). I made sure to read the forum to find a HBA that others got working, LSI 9305-i24.

Worth noting is that the system is stable on 6.5.3 with the new hardware, it ran for 14+ hours and even completed a parity check.

With 6.8.3 is is not staying up for more then a few minutes. 

I have included a diagnostics file that I just barely managed to download before the system crashed again, The hardware XML, and a few pictures for what the screen looked like after it crashed.



tower-diagnostics-20200418-1138.zip unraid_hw.xml

Edited by sywor
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So many things that have changed between 6.5.3 and 6.8.3 that it's impossible to pinpoint the issue.

I would suggest you might want to backup your flash and then download 6.6.0, 6.7.0 and 6.8.3 zip files (use the same link on the Unraid website, just change the version number on the link).

Then manually install each version sequentially to see when things stop working and then go check the patch note.


Also since it's a Ryzen system, have you made all the necessary stability tweaks in the BIOS?

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The only changes I have made to the BIOS is enable virtualization. I'm not running any VMs that has explicit pass-through for any hardware.

All I could find on unraid and ryzen bios tweaks are almost one year old and concerns pass-through of graphic cards etc.   

Are there any other bios tweaks you would recomend?

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8 minutes ago, sywor said:

The only changes I have made to the BIOS is enable virtualization. I'm not running any VMs that has explicit pass-through for any hardware.

All I could find on unraid and ryzen bios tweaks are almost one year old and concerns pass-through of graphic cards etc.   

Are there any other bios tweaks you would recomend?

Things you might want to try:

  • Updating your BIOS if not already on current version
  • Change Power Supply Idle Control to Typical Current Idle in BIOS
  • Disable C State in BIOS


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I have not been able to find any settings in the BIOS that mentions anything with "Power Supply Idle Control" or "C State"

The only thing I could find related to sleep / hibernate was this:




And it was already set to off.

When booting into 6.8.3 it is still unstable and it spits out the following trace log:



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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Upgrading from 6.5.3 to 6.8.3 causes very unstable system

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