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New to Unraid & Docker... but I'm in LOVE


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I have used OpenMediaVault for years and loved it. However, I started to realize that my old Areca controller was getting long in the tooth and that 250gig of free space was not enough. I decided to start buying 8TB drives (easystor shucking FTW) and pick up a few LSI 9211-8i's. After backing up my data, I decided to see what else was out there since I'd basically be building a new array. I stumbled upon Unraid; my initial take was that I didn't want to spend money when I could hack my way through a freebie. However, since everything was backed up, I figured why not try it out so I had a reason to no pay-to-play. 

10 days later and a few growing pains... I am not in LOVE with Unraid... I am in technolust heaven. The interface is easy to use, after reading the manual... don't ask. The app and docker install is a piece of cake (once I figured out how to use docker). Thank you for making my life easier and a lot more complicated! Unfortunately I found the Grafana app and am currently going crazy with a plan to pull data from all the machines in my lab, from my windows boxes to my esxi cluster; I love you; I hate you; need moar. 

Hell... I even like the easy-access to scripting cron jobs (that's a sentence I never thought I'd type).



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8 hours ago, testdasi said:

I haven't seen "PCIe passthrough to a VM" in your list so you are still in the honeymoon period. 🧐

It's like having the first fight with your significant other LOL.



LOL! Very true! However, I have no plan to run a vm that requires PCIe passthrough. This is box is datastore/media whore; the only extras I run are plex (just me using it so low overhead), transmission, and am now working on a Grafana stack. That will be it. For anything else that requires something more fancy, I have VMware, Redhat, and Ovirt virtualization stacks with netapp back end. I'm not saying I will never get crazy with unraid, but it serves it's purpose and serves it well. Besids, the unraid box is running an i7 2600 on a Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3P mobo w/ 16GB or RAM. There's not a lot more I'd want to do with it... except maybe a transcoding stack to move everything to x265.

It's also feels a little warm fuzzy and fills me with murderous rage to use a product based on my first foray into the linux community. Slackware is not meant for a 13 year old with no linux experience, but that was an unfortunately long time ago.


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