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Help: "Out Of Memory errors detected on your server" -- Diagnostics attached

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The "Fix common problems" plugin alerted me to an error on my server: "Out Of Memory errors detected on your server". First time I've ever encountered this.

In my quick forum searches, the reasons are all over the map. I have attached diagnostics in hopes it can help someone more knowledgeable on whether there's something seriously wrong.


My CPU and Memory info in case this is also helpful: 



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The process that was killed is mediainfo, which I believe is a docker. It looks kinda like a memory leak to me.

Linux will kill the process that uses the most memory at the time that it runs out of RAM. That is usually the culprit but may not necessarily always be the case.


Maybe watch your docker memory usage (in Docker tab, advanced view) and see if there's any where to optimise.


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