LibreNMS Docker Setup


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Hi There,


Searched around and wasn't able to easily find information on this.


Basically looking to run LibreNMS docker and it requires a separate DB Docker looking to use MariaDB in this case. How would I go about implementing this on unraid?I have MariaDB up and running and looking to use as the main container and it requires a DB_HOST variable, how do I utilise this?


I have set both dockers as - Libre and - Maria DB.


Any assistance would be helpful, thanks so much!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Bit late to the party, But I am using the librenms/librenms version of the container from CA.


Before starting the librenms container, create a new MariaDB container (I am using the linuxserver/mariadb one). Once that is loaded, use the CLI for that container to build your database, and allow access from another host:


CREATE DATABASE librenms CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER 'librenms'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'librenms';
CREATE USER 'librenms'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'librenms';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON librenms.* TO 'librenms'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON librenms.* TO 'librenms'@'%';


Now, when you configure the LibreNMS container, point the DBhost to be the IP of the container (in my case, the same IP as the unraid box itself, as I'm using bridged networks for the containers).


After a couple of minutes you can open the LibreNMS GUI and get cracking.


  • Thanks 1
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