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Docker directory mappings

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I'm running the rutorrent docker. Because it's a webapp, all mappings must be under /downloads/.


This is set to my /mnt/user/downloads/


However, I need to map in other directories that aren't under /mnt/user/downloads/ such as /mnt/user/files/


So I've been told to map that to, say, /downloads/files/


My question is, when inside the container if I create a file or directory, say, /downloads/files/newdir/file


How does the docker know whether to put it under /mnt/user/downloads/files/newdir or /mnt/user/files/newdir?


I'm having a lot of issues where I can see my mappings inside the Docker console but not within the webapp itself.

7 minutes ago, cinereus said:

I'm running the rutorrent docker

There are 2 matches for rutorrent on the apps page. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by simply clicking on its icon and selecting Support.


But, since your question seems to be about not understanding docker mappings in general, let's stay here instead.


8 minutes ago, cinereus said:

I've been told

Do you have a link to this advice?




When I searched there was one rutorrent and one rtoreny.


I have linuxserver/rutorrent. I got the support through their discord channel.


I think you're right that I don't understand the mappings in general. In a situation like this when there's a clear ambiguity, how is it resolved?

8 minutes ago, cinereus said:

I got the support through their discord channel.

Do you have a direct quote of that advice? The way you have described it doesn't seem accurate.


Why do you need a torrent application to have access to other user shares anyway?


It was a long discussion, not a single quote.


It needs access to other shares for two reasons:


- to move files to the right place after they have been downloaded

- to have access to the synced watch folder

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