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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.  I am new to unRaid but quite familiar with Linux. 


I have installed the Unassigned Devices plugin with the intention of copying a significant amount of media from a 2 TB SATA drive formatted as NTFS over to my array before making the drive also part of the array.  The problem is I cannot get it to mount.  The drive shows up in the unassigned devices section.  I have renamed the volume jonsmedia and then I click mount.  I briefly says "Please wait, retrieving information" and then returns the mount button to me.  The log is as follows, any help would be much appreciated.  Unassigned devices is up to date and is the first plugin I have installed.

Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sdc1'...
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t xfs -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/sdc1' '/mnt/disks/jonmedia'
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): Mounting V5 Filesystem
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): Log inconsistent (didn't find previous header)
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): failed to find log head
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): log mount/recovery failed: error -5
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): log mount failed
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/sdc1' failed. Error message: mount: /dev/sdc1: can't read superblock 
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Partition 'WDC_WD20EZRZ-00Z5HB0_WD-WCC4M6EVHNTK' could not be mounted...


Edited by berg222
added info.
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6 hours ago, berg222 said:


Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.  I am new to unRaid but quite familiar with Linux. 


I have installed the Unassigned Devices plugin with the intention of copying a significant amount of media from a 2 TB SATA drive formatted as NTFS over to my array before making the drive also part of the array.  The problem is I cannot get it to mount.  The drive shows up in the unassigned devices section.  I have renamed the volume jonsmedia and then I click mount.  I briefly says "Please wait, retrieving information" and then returns the mount button to me.  The log is as follows, any help would be much appreciated.  Unassigned devices is up to date and is the first plugin I have installed.

Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sdc1'...
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t xfs -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/sdc1' '/mnt/disks/jonmedia'
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): Mounting V5 Filesystem
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): Log inconsistent (didn't find previous header)
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): failed to find log head
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): log mount/recovery failed: error -5
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower kernel: XFS (sdc1): log mount failed
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/sdc1' failed. Error message: mount: /dev/sdc1: can't read superblock 
Jan 8 20:54:29 Tower unassigned.devices: Partition 'WDC_WD20EZRZ-00Z5HB0_WD-WCC4M6EVHNTK' could not be mounted...


UD thinks it has an Xfs file system.  Post a screen shot of the disk in question after you click the + sign so we can see all the partitions.  Also post diagnostics.

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10 hours ago, PeeBee said:


I updated to  2018.01.08a, shut down the server and restarted it with the drives removed. I then plugged in the drives and UD reported them, just like before.



ls /dev:



ls -l /dev/disk/by-id doesn't work on my system because there's no /dev/disk folder. (Is that because of the volume mappings?)







Are you running unRAID in a virtual environment?

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12 hours ago, deaerator said:


It looks like there is an issue with UD thinking the partition is /dev/nvme0n1p when it is really /dev/nvme0n1p1.  That's why you are getting the blockdev errors.  I don't know how this is happening, but I'll take a look at the code and see if I can see an issue.  Without a disk to reproduce the issue, chances are I won't be able to find it.

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2 hours ago, dlandon said:

It looks like there is an issue with UD thinking the partition is /dev/nvme0n1p when it is really /dev/nvme0n1p1.  That's why you are getting the blockdev errors.  I don't know how this is happening, but I'll take a look at the code and see if I can see an issue.  Without a disk to reproduce the issue, chances are I won't be able to find it.

Update to the 2018.01.09a version.  I made a change that may fix this issue.

Edited by dlandon
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13 hours ago, dlandon said:

If there is no /dev/disk/by-id/ UD cannot find the disk information.  I don't know what you are doing with the volume mappings, but do not do that.


I did the volume mappings because of this tutorial that I watched when I installed Unassigned Devices and Krusader as part of my unRAID installation:


Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XCFPAsWZE

Title: Easily move, copy and sync files to unRAID, within unRAID and from unRAID using Krusader


0:00 Intro
0:36 Krusader Intro and Overview
1:53 unRAID File System Overview and USB Flash Drive Overview
3:20 Unassigned Devices Installation
3:59 Krusader Installation
>> 4:10 /UNRAID and /UNASSIGNED volume mappings happen here <<
6:02 Directories Overview
7:20 Flash Drive Backup
8:00 Moving data from unassigned drive to server 
<the rest of the video not catalogued>


I don't see how these mappings affect /dev/disk though. What might have affected this???


BTW thanks so much for your support. I see that you are helping more than just me! 

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36 minutes ago, PeeBee said:


I did the volume mappings because of this tutorial that I watched when I installed Unassigned Devices and Krusader as part of my unRAID installation:


Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XCFPAsWZE

Title: Easily move, copy and sync files to unRAID, within unRAID and from unRAID using Krusader


0:00 Intro
0:36 Krusader Intro and Overview
1:53 unRAID File System Overview and USB Flash Drive Overview
3:20 Unassigned Devices Installation
3:59 Krusader Installation
>> 4:10 /UNRAID and /UNASSIGNED volume mappings happen here <<
6:02 Directories Overview
7:20 Flash Drive Backup
8:00 Moving data from unassigned drive to server 
<the rest of the video not catalogued>


I don't see how these mappings affect /dev/disk though. What might have affected this???


BTW thanks so much for your support. I see that you are helping more than just me! 

You are showing me the stuff inside the Krusader docker.  You need to get to an unRAID command line and show me the command:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/


Edited by dlandon
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The update didn't work.


here is the disk log

Jan 8 22:17:01 Tower kernel: nvme0n1: p1
Jan 8 22:17:32 Tower emhttp: Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_250GB_S3ESNX0JC76289K (nvme0n1) 244198552
Jan 8 22:34:08 Tower kernel: nvme0n1: p1
Jan 8 22:39:47 Tower unassigned.devices: Removing partition '1' from disk '/dev/nvme0n1'.
Jan 8 22:55:21 Tower unassigned.devices: Removing partition '1' from disk '/dev/nvme0n1'.
Jan 9 11:11:36 Tower unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/nvme0n1p1'...
Jan 9 11:11:36 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t precleared -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/nvme0n1p1' '/mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_250GB_S3ESNX0JC76289K'
Jan 9 11:11:36 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/nvme0n1p1' failed. Error message: mount: unknown filesystem type 'precleared'
Jan 9 11:13:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Device '/dev/nvme0n1' block size: 488397168
Jan 9 11:13:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Clearing partition table of disk '/dev/nvme0n1'.
Jan 9 11:13:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Reloading disk '/dev/nvme0n1' partition table.
Jan 9 11:13:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Reload partition table result: /dev/nvme0n1: re-reading partition table
Jan 9 11:13:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Creating a primary partition on disk '/dev/nvme0n1'.
Jan 9 11:13:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Creating unRAID compatible mbr on disk '/dev/nvme0n1'.
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower kernel: nvme0n1: p1
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower unassigned.devices: Reloading disk '/dev/nvme0n1' partition table.
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower kernel: nvme0n1: p1
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower kernel: nvme0n1: p1
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower unassigned.devices: Reload partition table result: /dev/nvme0n1: re-reading partition table
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower unassigned.devices: Formatting disk '/dev/nvme0n1' with 'xfs' filesystem.
Jan 9 11:13:01 Tower unassigned.devices: Format disk '/dev/nvme0n1' with 'xfs' filesystem failed!


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48 minutes ago, deaerator said:

The update didn't work.

Not only is this statement not totally true, it is rather annoying.  Didn't you get the 'Format' button that you didn't see before and get farther along than you did before?  The format was not successful, but we are farther along that before.  Wouldn't it be more productive to let me know what happened differently than just give me the blanket it didn't work?


I don't have a nvme disk and I will not invest in one just to test.  I have to do the best I can looking at the logs and diagnostics.

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6 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Go to a command line and execute the following command and post the results:

/sbin/mkfs.xfs -f /dev/nvme0n1

This should show the reason it won't format.

Any reason for device /dev/nvme0n1 and not /dev/nvme0n1p1?

Edited by pwm
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9 hours ago, dlandon said:

You are showing me the stuff inside the Krusader docker.  You need to get to an unRAID command line and show me the command:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/



Thank you, that helps me tremendously. Like I mentioned, I'm a noob to unRAID so the concept of dockers and how they fit in is completely alien to me. 


Before I give you the /dev/disk/by-id, I should mention that I now have one of my two 6 TB drives mounted as a parity drive. I was able to do this by taking the array offline and mounting it under the Array Devices section of the Main tab. You'll now see my old 2 TB parity drive in the unassigned section as well as the 6 TB drive which UD can't recognize. 


I plan on mounting the 2nd 6 TB drive as a parity drive as well but I wanted to give you an opportunity to continue troubleshooting why the drive isn't being recognized by UD (if you want). 




Here is the result of ls -l /dev/disk/by-id:


root@Tower:/dev/disk/by-id# ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST1500DM003-9YN16G_W240RMHQ -> ../../sde
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST1500DM003-9YN16G_W240RMHQ-part1 -> ../../sde1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD06G63 -> ../../sdd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD06G63-part1 -> ../../sdd1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST31000333AS_9TE20Q9W -> ../../sda
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST31000333AS_9TE20Q9W-part1 -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_500GB_S3PTNF0JB81726B -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_500GB_S3PTNF0JB81726B-part1 -> ../../sdb1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  8 17:36 ata-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_TS-H653N -> ../../sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001281025115022-0:0 -> ../../sdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001281025115022-0:0-part1 -> ../../sdc1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:57 usb-WDC_WD60_02FZWX-00GBGB0_000000000000-0:0 -> ../../sdf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 usb-WDC_WD60_02FZWX-00GBGB0_000000000000-0:1 -> ../../sdg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 usb-WDC_WD60_02FZWX-00GBGB0_000000000000-0:1-part1 -> ../../sdg1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x10612510827581820928x -> ../../sdd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x10612510827581820928x-part1 -> ../../sdd1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x11153183416998973440x -> ../../sda
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x11153183416998973440x-part1 -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x14622698090324119554x -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x14622698090324119554x-part1 -> ../../sdb1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x2843550472478937088x -> ../../sde
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x2843550472478937088x-part1 -> ../../sde1


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9 minutes ago, PeeBee said:


Thank you, that helps me tremendously. Like I mentioned, I'm a noob to unRAID so the concept of dockers and how they fit in is completely alien to me. 


Before I give you the /dev/disk/by-id, I should mention that I now have one of my two 6 TB drives mounted as a parity drive. I was able to do this by taking the array offline and mounting it under the Array Devices section of the Main tab. You'll now see my old 2 TB parity drive in the unassigned section as well as the 6 TB drive which UD can't recognize. 


I plan on mounting the 2nd 6 TB drive as a parity drive as well but I wanted to give you an opportunity to continue troubleshooting why the drive isn't being recognized by UD (if you want). 




Here is the result of ls -l /dev/disk/by-id:


root@Tower:/dev/disk/by-id# ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST1500DM003-9YN16G_W240RMHQ -> ../../sde
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST1500DM003-9YN16G_W240RMHQ-part1 -> ../../sde1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD06G63 -> ../../sdd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST2000DL003-9VT166_6YD06G63-part1 -> ../../sdd1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST31000333AS_9TE20Q9W -> ../../sda
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-ST31000333AS_9TE20Q9W-part1 -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_500GB_S3PTNF0JB81726B -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_500GB_S3PTNF0JB81726B-part1 -> ../../sdb1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  8 17:36 ata-TSSTcorp_CDDVDW_TS-H653N -> ../../sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001281025115022-0:0 -> ../../sdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530001281025115022-0:0-part1 -> ../../sdc1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:57 usb-WDC_WD60_02FZWX-00GBGB0_000000000000-0:0 -> ../../sdf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 usb-WDC_WD60_02FZWX-00GBGB0_000000000000-0:1 -> ../../sdg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 usb-WDC_WD60_02FZWX-00GBGB0_000000000000-0:1-part1 -> ../../sdg1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x10612510827581820928x -> ../../sdd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x10612510827581820928x-part1 -> ../../sdd1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x11153183416998973440x -> ../../sda
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x11153183416998973440x-part1 -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x14622698090324119554x -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x14622698090324119554x-part1 -> ../../sdb1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x2843550472478937088x -> ../../sde
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan  9 17:21 wwn-0x2843550472478937088x-part1 -> ../../sde1


It looks like the USB device that you are using for the 6TB drives is not giving the proper information for UD to recognize the drives.


If I am reading this right, you are using USB drives for parity?  I wouldn't do that.  Get an add in sata disk controller.

Edited by dlandon
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1 minute ago, dlandon said:

If I am reading this right, you are using USB drives for parity?  I wouldn't do that.  Get an add in sata disk controller.

Especially since that USB enclosure only has one port for all of the drives. You are going to get terrible performance with 2 parity drives trying to share a port.

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1 minute ago, dlandon said:

It looks like the USB device that you are using for the 6TB drives is not giving the proper information for UD to recognize the drives.


If I am reading this right, you are using USB drives for parity?  I wouldn't do that.  Get an add in sata disk controller.


It's an old machine that can't recognize drives bigger than ~2 TB. I didn't think a SATA controller would get around that problem, but you think it will? I will definitely get a SATA controller if that's the case.


What's the problem with using USB 3 drives for parity? Is it a speed issue or something else? (For my reference only; I'm not disputing you.)

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I actually think USB3 is fast enough - but it depends a bit on the controller/processor inside the USB enclosure if the enclosure can take advantage of the full capacity of the USB link.


But there are at least two reasons why I wouldn't recommend it.

- the parity drive in unRAID gets to do much more seeks than what the manufacturer would expect from a normal USB disk. And there isn't much cooling in most USB enclosures.

- having both parity drives connected using a single USB cable to a single USB controller means you lose sync for all your parity if you get a USB glitch. And that glitch is likely to happen at the very moment when you really do need valid parity data to recover some problem with your data drives.

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