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Seeking help manually installing Docker Babybuddy

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Hi all, I have a new one on the way and am looking at self-hosted baby tracking. 


I've been trying to figure out how to setup https://github.com/babybuddy/babybuddy for quite some time now. Does anyone have any tutorials that may closely resemble the install method outlined under the Docker section of this github? I've tried going through community apps to install it by searching the Docker Hub, but it looks like that interface isn't able to access any of the parameters that need to be edited to make this work.


I also watched SpaceInvaderOne's Jitsi installation video that uses docker-compose with hopes it would help me figure out what is happening with this docker, but it doesn't seem to fit the same format for configuration files. Anyone else out there that's a wizard with docker-compose willing to take a look at the instructions and point me in the right direction? Maybe even more documentation or videos to watch?


As a last resort, I tried to install Docker for Windows on my unRaid Win10 VM, which was really a bad idea. It broke my VM until I could boot into it baremetal and strip Docker installation out and run CCleaner to remove residual files.


Here are the instructions from babybuddy to save someone a click




A Docker deployment requires Docker Engine v18.06.0+ and Docker Compose v1.22.0+ to create two containers: one for the database and one for the application.


The example docker-compose.example.yml file provided in this repository is intended for production deployments. Baby Buddy is deployed to Docker Hub as babybuddy/babybuddy so this is the only file needed for a Docker deployment with Docker Compose.

1. Copy the contents of docker-compose.example.yml as docker-compose.yml and set, at least, the ALLOWED_HOSTS and SECRET_KEY variables under services:app:environment.


See Configuration for other settings that can be controlled by environment variables.


2. Build/run the application

docker-compose up -d

The app should now be locally available at See Docker's "Get Started" documentation for detailed information about deployment methods with Docker.


And the Dockerfile

FROM python:3 as app
RUN pip install --upgrade pipenv gunicorn
COPY Pipfile /app/
COPY Pipfile.lock /app/
RUN pipenv install --deploy --system
ADD manage.py /app/
ADD api /app/api
ADD babybuddy /app/babybuddy
ADD core /app/core
ADD dashboard /app/dashboard
ADD reports /app/reports
ADD static /app/static
ADD etc/gunicorn.py /app/


Edited by Douglas_D
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  • 5 months later...
On 5/21/2020 at 11:41 PM, Douglas_D said:

Hi all, I have a new one on the way and am looking at self-hosted baby tracking. 


I've been trying to figure out how to setup https://one2step.net/aka-ms-remoteconnect-minecraft for quite some time now. Does anyone have any tutorials that may closely resemble the install method outlined under the Docker section of this github? I've tried going through community apps to install it by searching the Docker Hub, but it looks like that interface isn't able to access any of the parameters that need to be edited to make this work.


I also watched SpaceInvaderOne's Jitsi installation video that uses docker-compose with hopes it would help me figure out what is happening with this docker, but it doesn't seem to fit the same format for configuration files. Anyone else out there that's a wizard with docker-compose willing to take a look at the instructions and point me in the right direction? Maybe even more documentation or videos to watch?


As a last resort, I tried to install Docker for Windows on my unRaid Win10 VM, which was really a bad idea. It broke my VM until I could boot into it baremetal and strip Docker installation out and run CCleaner to remove residual files.


Here are the instructions from babybuddy to save someone a click


And the Dockerfile

FROM python:3 as app
RUN pip install --upgrade pipenv gunicorn
COPY Pipfile /app/
COPY Pipfile.lock /app/
RUN pipenv install --deploy --system
ADD manage.py /app/
ADD api /app/api
ADD babybuddy /app/babybuddy
ADD core /app/core
ADD dashboard /app/dashboard
ADD reports /app/reports
ADD static /app/static
ADD etc/gunicorn.py /app/


Any Update on this OP?

Edited by jrjong11
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  • 2 weeks later...

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