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Sonarr docker issue

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Ok everyone i've been trying to fix this for a day now, 
so i had the linuxserver:sonarr docker installed set up since early last year no issues. now 4 days ago i had installed a new 8tb drive after the drive install sonarr was still working fine until yesterday i restarted the server and i noticed all dockers returned to their working state except sonarr it's status showed "stopped" on the docker tab, so i tried to start the docker myself and i got the following error "Execution error - server error" so i then went into the docker config page to check for any obvious errors and when i "saved" the config and the docker attempted to start again i got this line
"/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint sonarr (0b5714eaaf96005aa8c3f0704895841bdbc08a61e91ab561654b01865dedad3a): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use." 
now i tried to navigate to mylocalip:8989  and got this


Error response

Error code: 501

Message: Unsupported method ('GET').

Error code explanation: HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Server does not support this operation.

so now i knew something was using the port.. but i thought ill just "stop all containers" and see what happens, now once i stopped all dockers i checked to make sure infact the error message i got when going to mylocalip:8989 is now gone. so i thought ok great! i tried to start ONLY the sonarr service and it worked. so i stopped it again and tried "start all" and again it started with no issues. so now this issues seems to start during start up. now ive looked through log files and cant find anything that sticks out to me. and have no idea how to fix this, anyhelp would be appreciated.


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