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'/' Fills up?

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So I'm pretty new to unraid, been running it maybe 9 months now. I really like everything and have very few complaints but in the last few months I've been having a persistent bug (tried updating too) that every maybe 10-15 days my '/' partition fills up and unraid's web interface becomes unusable. It says a mixture of things like 'array not started' etc. 


I have no idea what is filling it up and running commands to try and sort by largest file always fail because theres no space on the '/' bootfs partition. 


Anyone else ever experience this? 



2020-09-07 07_54_21-Window.png

2020-09-07 08_01_41-Window.png

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7 hours ago, Evedoescomputerstuff said:

Anyone else ever experience this?

It's typically caused by a misconfigured container. Since it takes a week or more to show up, it's going to be irritating to track down, I suggest running for several days, enough to hopefully let the problem build but not cripple the machine, then look for the culprit. If you can catch it with a mostly full root, download the diagnostics zip file and attach it to your next post in this thread.


The normal advice is to run in safe mode and see if it does it, but that would take weeks to prove or disprove, and you wouldn't be any closer to figuring out which container is misconfigured.

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12 hours ago, trurl said:

The usual way a container would do this is a host path in the mappings that isn't actual mounted storage. Which dockers do your run?

A ton of dockers.

Sonarr + Radarr (3 instances for different things like standup)

3 instances of qBittorent 

3 instances of rtorrent + flood running 10k torrents spread between.





I think thats it. 


The thing is, I have no idea what would have a bad path mapping that wouldnt fill up near instantly due to the amount of data I push through here. Say one of my torrent clients was pointed to unmounted storage, it would fill up in minutes since its only 32GB of free space apparently.  So it must be something that doesn't involve media / large files.

Maybe logging? It's weird though because if it was say a 'config' folder, when I reboot all the settings would be lost and whatever docker was the culprit would be 'brand new' right?




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14 hours ago, jonathanm said:

It's typically caused by a misconfigured container. Since it takes a week or more to show up, it's going to be irritating to track down, I suggest running for several days, enough to hopefully let the problem build but not cripple the machine, then look for the culprit. If you can catch it with a mostly full root, download the diagnostics zip file and attach it to your next post in this thread.


The normal advice is to run in safe mode and see if it does it, but that would take weeks to prove or disprove, and you wouldn't be any closer to figuring out which container is misconfigured.

Yep. This is my problem. If it filled up quickly, I could probably pin things down. 


Also okay I can do that.

Out of curiosity, say I catch it at like 90% full, is there a command I could run to see what the largest files on this unmounted storage are, I just don't know which directories to exclude and stuff?




P.s. all dockers seem to function correctly when this happens. It's only the web interface that freaks out

Edited by Evedoescomputerstuff
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