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steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver failed updates

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I've consistently had problems updating the roon-server software where the server fails to restart after the update. The Log doesn't have much helpful in it. Each time, I've had to delete the Docker, Image, and appdata/RoonGoer  appdata/RoonServer. Then rebuild the whole library from scratch. If I try to do a fresh install, then Restore from Backup, it will get all the way through that install, then fail to start. Also with not helpful info in the Log file.


Anyone else having these upgrade issues? Solutions, or suggestions?


I suspect I have some paths or other settings incorrect. Here are my settings.





Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /app
Container Path: /app
Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata
Access Mode: Read/Write


Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /data
Container Path: /data
Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata
Access Mode: Read/Write

Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /music
Container Path: /music
Host Path: /mnt/user/audio/music   (***for me, this is my location of music***)
Access Mode: Read/Write


Config type: Path
Name: Container Path: /backup
Container Path: /backup
Host Path: /mnt/user/backup/roon/
Access Mode: Read/Write


install notes post




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