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Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard (UUD)

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Greetings all,

I'm a newbie here. Is this the correct place to ask for community support for this docker?


I have been trying to get the UUD up and running all day today and now I am crossed eyed! :) My current issue is getting grafana to start. Searching the forum and trying various things. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Grafana mulitple times with no success. I am not getting error message. I do see in the logs /bin/sh: apt: not found. I'm trying to figure this out at this time.


I followed the following guides:







Docker Containers.png

Docker Config1.png

Docker Config2.png


Log file.png


Edited by Sabot
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Solved the InfluxDB. Status Code: 401 by changing the repository: influxdb:1.8.4-alpine


What a journey this has been... Key is not to give up. Keep searching this thread, and Reddit for clues. A big thank you for the gents who created this and the gents who did the guides. 


Edited by Sabot
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Hello :)

Thanks for this docker!


Where can i delete old influx data entries?

Ive tested a lot and want to delete the old entries but cant find the location via ftp? Doesnt want to delete the database because Ive got active dashboards.


Thank you very much :)

Edited by LyDjane
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So in UUD 1.6 you added UNRAID API....

That docker has a memory leak confirmed by the dev. 05/31/2022
He has not fixed it as of 10/04/2022


my server's 32 gigs fill up quick and crash my docker system.


most of the best parts of UUD dont work without this.


Edited by TRusselo
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1 hour ago, TRusselo said:

So in UUD 1.6 you added UNRAID API....

That docker has a memory leak confirmed by the dev. 05/31/2022
He has not fixed it as of 10/04/2022


my server's 32 gigs fill up quick and crash my docker system.


most of the best parts of UUD dont work without this.




I don't use the UNRAID API or related panels in my personal UUD dash (they are not the best part for me), and I will now remove them from UUD 1.7 due to this news. If you are using the UNRAID API panels in the UUD 1.6, I would highly recommend you delete them/related dependencies, and remove the UNRAID API Docker. At least until this issue is resolved by that developer (if they ever get around to it).



I'm almost done with with UUD 1.7 that adds a bunch of new and useful panels, and overhauls a number of existing ones. Thanks for the heads up on the UNRAID API memory leak. That is unfortunate and not worth a dirty shutdown with the array needing a hard reset and resulting parity check upon reboot due to this docker crashing.


Just to be clear, the UUD and it's developer (me) have nothing to do with the UNRAID API or its docker. If anyone hears that the issue is resolved, I would be happy to put it back into the UUD at a future point since many of you do like that part of the UUD.



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Just throwing it out there but my understanding is that netdata has alot of the statistics that unraid API would use minus the MQTT functions that it has. Would this possibly help in any way to provide at least the statistical data that the Electric Brain API provides?

Edited by Foehammer1982
changed uses to provides at the end
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5 hours ago, Foehammer1982 said:

Just throwing it out there but my understanding is that netdata has alot of the statistics that unraid API would use minus the MQTT functions that it has. Would this possibly help in any way to provide at least the statistical data that the Electric Brain API provides?

Please provide the links and any supporting documentation. I can look into it when I have time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/28/2022 at 9:51 AM, Foehammer1982 said:

Just got an email from Netdata this morning, apparently they are creating a grafana-netdata data source. More info in the blog post here: https://blog.netdata.cloud/introducing-netdata-source-plugin-for-grafana/


Nice! Thanks for sharing. From what I saw, that looks promising. I don't use that Docker as I have a Ubiquity Networks hardware appliance for my household, but this is interesting.


Anyone else have interest in adding this to the UUD?

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I followed the steps here but when I start the stack my grafana webui never loads and my server log just loops this. 


Guide https://github.com/HStep20/Ultimate-Unraid-Dashboard-Guide



Nov  2 17:27:39 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered blocking state
Nov  2 17:27:39 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:27:39 Vault kernel: device veth8fdf633 entered promiscuous mode
Nov  2 17:27:42 Vault kernel: eth0: renamed from veth24cf354
Nov  2 17:27:42 Vault kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth8fdf633: link becomes ready
Nov  2 17:27:42 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered blocking state
Nov  2 17:27:42 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered forwarding state
Nov  2 17:27:42 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:27:42 Vault kernel: veth24cf354: renamed from eth0
Nov  2 17:27:43 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:27:43 Vault kernel: device veth8fdf633 left promiscuous mode
Nov  2 17:27:43 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth8fdf633) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:27:58 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered blocking state
Nov  2 17:27:58 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:27:58 Vault kernel: device veth564d5dc entered promiscuous mode
Nov  2 17:28:01 Vault kernel: eth0: renamed from vethf453cd6
Nov  2 17:28:01 Vault kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth564d5dc: link becomes ready
Nov  2 17:28:01 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered blocking state
Nov  2 17:28:01 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered forwarding state
Nov  2 17:28:02 Vault  avahi-daemon[28394]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface veth564d5dc.IPv6 with address fe80::4c56:d2ff:fe3e:a7ce.
Nov  2 17:28:02 Vault  avahi-daemon[28394]: New relevant interface veth564d5dc.IPv6 for mDNS.
Nov  2 17:28:02 Vault  avahi-daemon[28394]: Registering new address record for fe80::4c56:d2ff:fe3e:a7ce on veth564d5dc.*.
Nov  2 17:28:03 Vault kernel: vethf453cd6: renamed from eth0
Nov  2 17:28:03 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:28:04 Vault  avahi-daemon[28394]: Interface veth564d5dc.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Nov  2 17:28:04 Vault  avahi-daemon[28394]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface veth564d5dc.IPv6 with address fe80::4c56:d2ff:fe3e:a7ce.
Nov  2 17:28:04 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:28:04 Vault kernel: device veth564d5dc left promiscuous mode
Nov  2 17:28:04 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth564d5dc) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:28:04 Vault  avahi-daemon[28394]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::4c56:d2ff:fe3e:a7ce on veth564d5dc.
Nov  2 17:28:42 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered blocking state
Nov  2 17:28:42 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:28:42 Vault kernel: device veth1ece80b entered promiscuous mode
Nov  2 17:28:45 Vault kernel: eth0: renamed from vethd0586ec
Nov  2 17:28:45 Vault kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth1ece80b: link becomes ready
Nov  2 17:28:45 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered blocking state
Nov  2 17:28:45 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered forwarding state
Nov  2 17:28:46 Vault kernel: vethd0586ec: renamed from eth0
Nov  2 17:28:46 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:28:47 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered disabled state
Nov  2 17:28:47 Vault kernel: device veth1ece80b left promiscuous mode
Nov  2 17:28:47 Vault kernel: docker0: port 5(veth1ece80b) entered disabled state

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2 hours ago, Jasonhorne.co said:

I followed the steps here but when I start the stack my grafana webui never loads and my server log just loops this. 


Guide https://github.com/HStep20/Ultimate-Unraid-Dashboard-Guide


Hey there. I had no idea someone made a docker compose for the UUD. Thanks for letting me know. I would reach out to that developer directly. You could try starting over using the official instructions found at the beginning of this post and the 1.6 release notes right after.

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Hello, I have problems starting grafana container.


mkdir: can't create directory '/var/lib/grafana/plugins': Permission denied
GF_PATHS_DATA='/var/lib/grafana' is not writable.


Which permissions does grafana folder need? Which version is the correct one? I have found some people doing chmod 777 to this folder but it does not work for me.


I think the tutorial I followed from unraid webpage is out of date and it is for a previously version of grafana.



Edited by viktortras
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9 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

What Grafana repository are you using ?

I installed it with atribe and no particular options as far as permissions. But that was 2 years ago, maybe the template changed since then ?

official atribe grafana repository from unraid community apps with default options.


I don't know if template changed but I can't start it because it can't write on this path.


I created the folder grafana (777 and root:root) and not working, also 777 and nobody:users.


How have I to set up permissions for this? 


Edited by viktortras
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, AlexNewson said:

Varken has been confirmed dead by the developer, is there any plan to replace in 1.7?




That is SERIOUSLY disappointing!


No, I don't have anything to do with Varken, nor do I have the time to look into creating a replacement. If anyone takes up the VARKEN mantle, please let me know so we can collaborate.


Note: Varken still works currently and it still in the UUD 1.7 forthcoming update. I actually just updated all of the UUD 1.7 panels to fully support Grafana 9.X. I'll be releasing the UUD 1.7 with Varken still as the dependent Plex/Tautulli DB plugin. Also, the UUD 1.7 is fully compatible with the latest UNRAID 6.10.X releases (just tested them personally).


UUD 1.7 will most likely be my FINAL major update to this project as well. Everything should still work if you can download the dependencies/dockers, and if the UNRAID OS does not break anything in a future update. I did DEPRECATE the UNRAID API plugin/Docker, as a memory leak was pointed out by its developer (that project is dead also), and I have removed those panels from the UUD.


There will be more than enough new bells and whistles in UUD 1.7 that I think are very useful and exciting for people to geek out on. It is the most polished, organized, slick, and purpose built UUD to date. I'm excited to share it with you guys. Now I just need to find some time to wrap it up and post it. Look out for it in Q1 2023. @SpencerJ




Edited by falconexe
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At this point, I think it's just worth using Netdata. The only things that UUD does at this point is take some extra data from varken (which probably won't work soon either) and make it look pretty. The loss of the unraid api is massive and made the UUD what it was.

Because I'ma be honest, going through 3-4 hours minimum of just straight headache and trying to figure out stuff from guides back on 1.2 just to get maybe a few more data points in a nice pretty dashboard? 

I don't blame you for making this your final update, because deep down I think you know this is the truth

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone! Sorry about the hiatus. I had to take a long break due to some upheaval in my personal life (all good now).


A bunch of people recently were asking for the code and the project to be reinstated, so here it is. Thanks @SpencerJ for assisting with getting the topic reactivated in the forums. I've been tinkering on this on my personal build for a few months off and on. UUD 1.7 has been finished for a while now. I'll share some screen shots, and if anyone is interested, I can share the code. Not sure if I'll officially pick this back up, but we'll see where it goes. I still need to upgrade to UNRAID 6.12.X ha ha.


Hope you are all doing well!



Edited by falconexe
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