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Data Array Correction - Is this ok?? - Confirmed


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I originally started testing Unraid before I was really ready to buy new drives and configure properly.  So I ended up with a mishmash of drives.  My current array looks like this:

Array: 1TB HDD - Parity

          500GB SSD


I am about to upgrade my hardware and the array will look like this:

Array: 4TB HDD - Parity

          4TB HDD


This is a long way to state my main concern.  Am I going to have issues with this swap?  Will the rebuild run correctly?  I do not currently run any trim processes... I was going to follow the normal disable swap procedure but I am concerned that there may be issues because of there being an SSD in the array.


Thanks in advance!



Edit: Yup everything worked without a hitch.  I was concerned by all the warnings from fix common problems and Unraid itself but those seem to have been of no consequence.

Edited by aasberry
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