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Adding an old parity drive to the array?

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Juussst..... want to be sure here....

But if I've got a drive that used to be parity under a previous build, of the same server (I've upgraded my parity drive to a larger one), all I need to do is add it as a new array device and unraid will clear it and then add it to the array right?


I had thought about formatting it first...


Tell me I'm not going to blow things up.

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No point in formatting it first because Unraid will clear it when you add it to a new slot. Then you can format it while it is in the array.


Suspect the question is based on a vague idea of what format does.


Be sure to get a new backup of flash after. Reusing parity as data is exactly the scenario you don't want to be caught with an old backup that thinks that disk is still parity. Several have lost data that way.

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